Madden NFL 24 Mobile Football iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)

5 months ago, Alex Bruyere

Review Suggestion?

The game is actually truly great, as well as stimulatingly engaging. The AI is excellent in most areas giving the user a true feeling of if as though ANYTHING can happen. What I would like to suggest is that when playing on offense, after picking the play you want to run, you can then be made aware of what play the AI generated defense used. Maybe be shown after the down just played or at end of game statistics sheet. This would be very helpful when picking out your own defensive strategy. I do enjoy picking out my own strategy as it is now but am unable to really see its effectiveness bc I don’t know how well each defensive play works on average/per down. Especially helpful for those who aren’t schooled in actual strategy in game of football. Which come on, let’s be awesome, is majority of us who watch the game. Or not knowing exact name and formation of what we want to do. If this was implemented then after awhile of playing competitive arena, one could get a feel of what works best against the certain offensive plays said user likes to use, see the name of the defensive plays that are generated for the AI, then mix&match up our own strategy’s drawing from what’s worked best against us!!! Idk I think it’s a really good idea

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3 years ago, SavageLCH

The game is cool for only one reason tho.

So far I’m having a good time with the game but only because I’m buying in app purchases. But at least with these in app purchases your not gonna be bad at the game unless you just don’t know what your doing. I have one account when I first started playing the game and no cap I might of spent 300 to 400 dollars worth of in app purchases. It’s most likely not worth it if you don’t have money of course. I have a second account where I actually knew what to buy and maybe spend about 200 to 300. I have issues and that’s a lot of money. So I put all this money in this game to be at a better position than most and still have uncommon cards and rare cards just not in my lineup doing nothing. Please let’s do something about Ea. Can you guys improve the Defensive Strategy like get more specific. Like in stead of saying second and long can you go by yards or let us add in extra defensive settings to get more specific and advanced for our defensive settings. I’m having a good time with the game just because I put money into it which is really not worth it for anyone to be putting that much money in a game. I hope y’all see this and put more effort in certain areas of the game. But it’s okay I just hope y’all come up with a good system that fair for people with extra cards for putting time and effort and money into your game

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6 months ago, AK472614


Dear Electronic Arts, As a 9 year old kid who LOOOOOVES video games,(and as the most competitive e-athlete you have ever met.) I am always searching for new and different games. I especially enjoy sport video games. I have FC24 Mobile, and USED to have NBA2K23 Mobile, but since I had those games on my PlayStation, I couldn’t get used to mobile. At first I wasn’t really into it, thinking it was going to be like every other game I had. But then my brother convinced me to do it. I am glad he did,as I loved it. I immediately started playing every day. It’s really suprising how much more I liked it than the other games. I love the franchise mode, because it offers you to do something else other than ultimate team. And ultimate team mode is just to amazing for words. But I will try. It is perfectly balanced because of how it is challenging, but partly easy to gain new and better players. I don’t have any complaints, because as far as I’m concerned, there are very little, if any glitches. Electronic Arts, all I can say is bravo.

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3 years ago, ufbdic f finr

A few problems but it’s great!

This game is amazing! It isn’t repetitive at all with the new events and promos. There is one problem I ran into and that is it crashes sometimes. I don’t know if it’s because my phone can’t handle it because it is quite a bit to run at one time or if it’s just a glitch but it does crash. (I did see another review saying that theirs crashes as well) But other than that it is perfect! The events are so entertaining and rewarding if you really grind them. As of writing this there is a Pro Bowl event and it is crazy good! There are of course some purchases you can make to upgrade your team faster, but you can progress fine without using money. One thing I do find a bit annoying is when I get outbid because I can get there fast enough or the auction can end because 2 people are outbidding each other but again that is just part of the game. Coins are a bit of a pain to get if none of your auctions sell but if you have enough stamina you can do the coin event that give you 27,500 coins for 450 stamina. Another thing is program stamina is REALLY hard to get because you only get 1 per 3 mins and you usually use 20 - 50 at a time. (The cap is 200, with no way to upgrade it unlike regular stamina that gets 2 more with every level up).

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2 years ago, Colin199

Madden Mobile USED TO BE great

I’ve played madden mobile since the first year they had it in 2014, all I played was seasons mode and the live events back then and I still had a blast. The game remained very fun until 2018 when they named it “Madden Overdrive” and overhauled all the graphics and gameplay to look like you’re running the game on a console. The whole reason Madden Mobile was fun was because it was a simpler version! If I wanted to get the console game I would play on the console. Now you can hardly play without your phone dying and the gameplay is too complicated for someone just trying to casually play on their phone. And 2021 has been the worst year yet for the game. Ultimate teams season mode is now completely gone! There is nothing you can do with your UT now except play online which has always been very tiresome. There are still live events but there are so many and they are so buried through menus that’s it’s not even worth it. I miss the live event map that’s been gone for years now! But probably the worst of all is that now the auction house has been removed... the only way you could get the actual players that you want to have on your team and they took it out! There is no way to upgrade your team now other than buying pro packs (which only give you random players). Seriously used to be my favorite game on my phone, I even preferred it over madden games on the console. Now it’s just a crappy clone of the console madden games

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1 year ago, Pickanothernameistaken

Needs some improvement!

I enjoy the game for the most part. Some things are ridiculous though and needs improvement asap. Main issues, so far for me has been ball placement and blocking. Many times I cross the 1st down mark and it’s plain as day and somehow it’s called short. I literally caught a pass in the end zone and it should have been a TD but the forward motion from the WR made him run out of end zone. He already caught it and the ball crossed the goal line. Another time I knocked over the pylon for a TD and it was turnover on downs. Blocking is horrendous, sometimes my blockers just run pass a defender on a run play or just run sideline to sideline instead of running ahead to block or they just stop blocking as soon as I’m next to them running through the line. It’s not realistic 99% of nfl blockers will block until the whistle blows. I play the game daily and I do enjoy it but I would never spend a dime on this game. If you actually took the time to make it more realistic and not so glitchy maybe I would. I wrote this review months ago and the blocking is getting worse if that is possible and same goes for the ball placement. It also seems you sped up the defense. I play teams and my RB is the fastest on the field but looks like he’s standing still compared to the LB and DBs! Fix the game already!

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3 years ago, Silent_Storm__

It’s good but stamina takes way to long to regenerate

It’s a great game it’s really fun to play and there is a lot to enjoy the only thing for me is that it takes 3 minutes to gain 1 stamina which is insanely long I mean every thing that you do is either 25 or 50 stamina so when I run out of stamina I’m looking at over 10 hours for stamina to fully regenerate and the only option around it is to either buy stamina fill ups or once a day get daily stamina bonus and watch two ads once a day which still gives barely enough to do all the daily things in the training center so I think that either the Stamina cost to play games or really do anything needs to be decreased or the time to regenerate stamina needs to be decreased to like 1 minute instead of 3 minutes preferably 30 seconds which would make much more sense but 1 minute would cut down the regenerate time in my scenario from almost 11 hours to 4 hours which is insane difference and would allow many other players to play the game more frequently throughout the day and would make it a little bit easier to level up players because i could actually do more then just the daily training center stuff everyday without having to use what madden cash I have (which I don’t buy madden cash) to get a stamina refill.

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3 years ago, packfan121


So many A.I issues i dont even know where to begin. If you try playing a regular season with your favorite team’s roster rather than a mut roster, you’ll see nothing but missed tackles by the a.i or just something beyond ridiculous. like desean jackson breaking lb through sheer strength. This app doesn’t take into any consideration what these player’s strengths and weaknesses are while severely crippling your players capabilities in order to make the game more difficult if you choose to raise the difficulty. I always play on hard and it’s mind blowing how many times i can call the right thing and have it not matter because gold and silver players can’t tackle or catch. The A.I only scores with 60+ yard plays which is another issue. If they aren’t hitting a home run they’re going 3 and out, and sometimes the home runs happen all game long because the game seems to forget gold and silver players are NFL players too. I play the app for my love of football but this game needs a major fixing. There is no way to play a simulator of a real life game if physics don’t even matter. Also players ability to tackle should not be relevant to your own camera angle. I can bring a strong safety from up top to tackle any tight end, but because I’m coming directly at a tight end it doesn’t matter who the strong safety or tight ends are, the tight end is stiff arming the strong safety and going for a long play.

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1 year ago, R8RNATN2

Madden Mobile Revamp

It’s not too late to save this game still. I’ve always loved football and growing up as a kid playing Madden Mobile was apart of my childhood, especially playing this game with my Dad. To see how this game has developed is pretty sad to me.. This has gone from probably one of the greatest F2P mobile games back then to heavy P2W today. If you played old madden mobile you’d know the best strategies to building up your team is constantly checking the auction house (which is now removed) for anyone that put the wrong prices out for certain items. I remember constantly clicking the refresh button waiting for the auction house to update so I could “buy now” items that were well worth 100k coins for 10k coins. Back when there were bronze trophies, gold trophies, and elite trophies it made it easy to build your team up it just took a lot of time, a lot of effort, and a lot of luck, but most importantly it was FREE and FUN. Now todays game is run down garbage, a straight replication of console ultimate team that is HEAVY P2W. Did you think really you had a really good strategy EA? If you digged into your files and brought this game back to what it was before and made modern day enhancements like graphics and more, you would 100% make more money doing this than your small P2W player base for your current game. It really shouldn’t even be about money but even if it is you’re doing it WRONG.

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2 years ago, Deez Washington III

Worst version of Madden Mobile yet

This is by far the worst Madden Mobile version I’ve played. This game used to be perfect, could play for hours upon hours, Madden 16 was the best version of this game for sure. Game was phenomenal until it was changed to Madden Overdrive. The gameplay got worse, the mechanics are terrible, and there isn’t much to do as there was back then. Auctions are gone which was a great way to interact with the game and build your team. Even Ultimate Team isn’t what it used to be, it is beyond boring, and the overall going over 99 is ridiculous, it ruins the game, and makes you waste hours and hours for one player. The sets aren’t even worth doing, you get very little for doing so much, it is pointless. I wish the developers would actually take note and give the fans what they want, but unfortunately that isn’t gonna happen anytime soon, Madden Mobile needs to go back to Madden Mobile 14-17, not whatever this new version is, unplayable and very frustrating to even try to enjoy. Hopefully notes are taken into consideration and the devs go back to an older version, with the aspects we want for Madden. I hardly ever write reviews, but this is just ridiculous how much of a downward spiral this game has taken. Won’t be playing for a while until actions are taken, very unsatisfied with everything about the game. Please go back to the way Madden Mobile used to be. 😤

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4 years ago, JDenm2024


I know all y’all care about is money which is why madden gets worse every year and mobile is pay to win, but come on. You added audibles in the yard but not the actual game? So now instead of audibling you have to call a time out because the play you chose beforehand won’t work with the coverage the other team is in. And maybe add the lateral button to the actual game too. And maybe commentary but I know that’s too much to ask for. And speaking of the yard I’ve been waiting for a new part of the yard to come out for forever. And why can’t you upgrade your yard player past 83? There is so much more to say but I know no one from EA even bothers to read reviews because if they did they wouldn’t add stuff to the game no one cares about like being able to change you’re yard characters outfit. That doesn’t matter and no one will care when it’s gone. Celebrations are kinda cool so they should keep that, but come on. Google “madden rating over time” and you will see. They keep going down. If ea made quality games people would buy it more instead of going online telling other people not to waste their money on it. Unless some major things happen I will never spend money on madden ever again. This is really frustrating because I grew up with madden. So I was able to see the decline as it happened. I could say more but I don’t have time for this.

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1 year ago, This madden is crappy

Needs work.

This game is functioning and it does what it's supposed to for the most part. But there is alot of polishing this game needs and i know the developers dont really care. Ill use 2 examples. Example 1: is offensive blocking: the linemen will leave their proper place on the offensive line to block a defender on the other side of the offensive line to prevent that players from sacking the qb. This is wrong. How would the shifting offensive lineman know that the LB on the opposite side of the offensive line is blitzing ,especially when he would have a defensive lineman in front of him to worry about blocking. One the flip side of the same coin on certain user contrilled offensive plays the blocker for the offense will by pass a defender he should have clearly blocked. Its like the video game has the blocker chose another defender tonblock other than the one he is supposed to actually block. Example 2: reciever and DBs reacting properly to balls thrown downfield(there is more issue with catch mechanics but thats for another post). In this examplea good portion of plays desinged to where deep ball is thrown, one of the player will seemingly allow the other to make the play on the ball. A player will ,instead of jumping to swat or catch the ball , react as if he is waiting for the catch to happen or making a sharp change in movement direction.

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3 years ago, Jake-Jack

Everything but the skill moves

I love the game and the mechanics of it. I really enjoy playing however the one thing that always seems to get me if there’s less than 10 seconds or something in the 4th quarter and I run, well easy to avoid a defender right? No, because I can’t control weather my guy spin moves or decides to try and truck. I can’t control it when I’m trying to dive for a td either because instead of getting the touchdown I needed to win by diving into the end zone, my guy decides to spin and then get tackled and not make the td. I wish there was some sort of way you could control this and it would make the game so much more enjoyable. And on another note this game won’t let you score a touchdown endless you are standing in it, running into it, or diving into it, because anytime I go for a 2 point conversion I’ll get tackled INTO the end zone and it won’t count it for the 2 points which is stupid because everyone knows when you’re in the end zone with the ball it’s a touchdown. If you could consider trying to make a fix that would be greatly appreciated however I know there are lots of things going on so focus on the important

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10 months ago, Dimitrios1134

The absolute best NFL game by lightyears…

Seriously this game is more than good, its borderline addicting. There will never be a game like it. You do not have to watch any ads or spend any amount of money at all to play this. Sure they have player packs and madden cash for sale which helps you get different players, upgrade your team and upgrade your players level but you can earn madden cash, coins, and weights and training points for free. There are times when you might really want to spend a few bucks on the game to take advantage of a special but you dont have to. There are no areas of the game that are locked to buyers only, its free to downlaod, free to play and the only ads are IF you want to earn extra coins or packs, EXTRA, not mandatory. You can get playes from josh Allen to deacon jones, pat mahomes or john elway. You build your roster the way you want to. Its not a game that you play for a couple days and finish, it keeps you interested and theres new eventas weekly or daily. I cant say enough good things about it, there is no reason why this game should get anything less than five stars.

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3 years ago, Airraid760


First of all, I don’t even know how EA is still the one making Football games authorized by the NFLPA. They are greedy and most likely lack a basic understanding of physics. The only way to be good (by good I mean partially competitive) is to spend your college savings on the game and the players you do get are subject to be worsened by the fact the opposite team is better than yours. I understand their defense being able to make more difficult plays but an NFL quarterback missing Travis Kelce on a 5 and out when he is literally 5 yards away??!!! Really? And even if you manage to complete a pass there is a chance the receiver,If the ball doesn’t magically end up on the other side of the because the game thought you pressed elsewhere, will become Jesus and start walking on the air and will go out of bounds so the play is incomplete. Overall the game is an insult to garbage and while it’s at, it will steal your time and money. If you won’t believe me or the other countless reviews that underline the greed and incompetence of EA, then by all means go ahead, I won’t say I told you so.

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3 years ago, Cyphen

What did you do? Why change everything?

EA did a great job in making the game trash. No AH to start with which helped players sell old players and help get newer ones. If you had fraud or abuse than change the terms or address the issues with abuse. Now we have common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic cards. Does not make any sense and people are already at Epic within of a month of release. Does not make any sense. We are watching league players drop off losing interest in the game. It’s sad, it was a game I looked forward to building up my team and now it’s a race to has more money to buy Epic players. You could have done so much more to build the LVL by adding a league store and players allowed to sell/trade duplicates or gift to each other after earning certain league status. That would have elevated the League play and made players more involved. Stamina is another failure, not enough stamina for all the various programs to do. Watching 2 ads a day to get more stamina is a joke. We need other ways to earn stamina. Please EA rethink this years approach before you lose more players.

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3 years ago, coltgravy

Love The Game but...

I Love the game I play I a lot of it. I am no money spent and I hate the competitive advantage players have when they spend money. I am a 89 overall team I play 88 overall teams that spend money and sometimes lose and it is not because there better then me. I also don’t like how you have to wait a full day for seasons to reset after you have other completed the seasons or forfeited. Now let’s go to the good things. The game makes me happy when I am sad because it is super fun and I love football. The promos you post aren’t overlapping so I don’t split my program stamina. It is a lot easier to get coins in madden Mobile instead of console I really like that not because I am lazy. I thought the program stamina was super annoying last year when I started playing madden mobile know I learned to cope with it. I love that you can have friends in the games and leagues. There is one more thing I would really like it if you guys of at E.A. could make a game with 3 minute quarter and have us play other people and play both offense and defense against the other person.

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3 years ago, N1SMO240SX

Gets Worse & Worse

I’ve been playing Madden Mobile since it’s first time on mobile. And I can truly say this game has gotten worse and worse. Every year EA tries a new kind of optional play and it gets HORRIBLE! This year Journey is definitely the worst ever, and also Arena play. With journey the games are extremely difficult to play and take to long to gain the points you need to reach a higher milestone. And the TP points and coin rewards are even more horrible because you don’t get enough to increase your players OVR. In Arena play what makes it extremely stupid is the fact that you get 1 stamina to either win or your going to have to wait till the following morning to play again. What’s the point in playing at all. And if your a player with a clearly stronger team you can easily come down to the less competitive team and keep bashing those teams for cheap wins and cheaper rewards. I only gave this game 2 stars, because the graphics have become better. And I’ve always giving Madden 1 star because it’s just Madden. There are so many other things wrong with this game that in my League whom we have been together for the last 2-3 yrs will not be playing as much anymore. It’s definitely lost it’s taste from when Madden Mobile first came out.

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3 years ago, DawgyPound27

Thank you

I started this game back in December when Charles Woodson and Brett Favre were the masters (season 3). I loved the game at that time! Fairly easy competition, fun league, fun rewards, all that stuff! My main problem now with the game which made it a 3.5 star for me was the pay to win statistic. I didn’t purchase much from madden and still had a 99 overall team as of today, but then I look at these other players with 104 overalls and it looks impossible to be good at the game. Even the promos became pay to win and it was too tempting to purchase from that promo. All the good rewards were easy for the purchase players to get 3 masters and me to get maybe a 99 or 100 overall. I enjoyed this game, thank you Madden for the wonderful memories, but I’d rather spend my time doing other important things in place of this game. Thank you Madden so much for giving me great memories, along with this game getting me closer to my brother and something to talk about. I hope that this review does you good, but I leave my place here. I’m sorry for saying that I’m uninstalling Madden by tomorrow, but It’s the most appealing thing to my eye. Thank you again for this game!

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7 months ago, Eiejjdjdmdnndd

Best game ever

This is the best game ever because football is my my favorite sport there is no ads and it’s just pure football. Just so fun and amazing. If I could rate this game it be a five star because this game is the best game I’ve ever played in my whole life it’s just pure football against your favorite teams you can pick your favorite team and play with them it’s just so amazing and you can do trials to try out for teams and it’s just the best game in the whole world. The number one reason why I write this game five star because I’ve never seen a game so fun like there’s no other game when you search up football games there’s just no other fun games like this one I have had 50 different games, but none compared to this one because this one is just amazing. This took me five hours to make this jk 5 minutes anyway this game is just so fun so fun I mean so fun like you can’t compare I’ve played so many games I’ve like 500 different games but this one’s my favorite I play every single day I can’t stop playing it even my dad plays it. This game is freaking amazing.

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3 years ago, cfinke


Let me start out by saying that this is a good game. Note that I said good, not great my reason for this is that even though you can TECHNICALLY get a very good team while not paying anything (I know this because I have a 91 OVR team and I haven’t given EA a single penny.) They do a lot of stuff that they THINK slides under the radar. First of all, they slowly decrease the value of your gems and coins. For example, you buy 200 program stamina for 500 gems. Fine right? NO, because after you make this purchase twice, then they start to sell you 100 program stamina for 500 gems. The other thing is they make everything in their shop SUPER OVERPRICED! You are just trying to get some decent players and you are a naive little 8-year old, you buy a core pack for 100,000$ dollars, well guess what, you can get the same stuff that’s in that core pack for 20% of the price. The last thing they do is every set item as soon as the event ends drops drastically in value. Say you have like 50 TOTY badges but no TOTY coins *cough cough* you now can’t trade them in for a set and what COULD have been worth 40,000$ dollars is now worth 1,000 dollars. It’s SUPER ANNOYING! But yeah, it’s a good game over all but those things are just really annoying. So good game, good not great.

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4 years ago, Wrestlemom78

Great game that ....

Great game that could be a little bit better. I’m not gonna complain like most about Pay to Win, I realize I will never be a top player and I’m fine with that. There is always something to be grinding to earn. I am not a fan of the yard, just not my thing. I want to give a couple of ideas to EA that I think would make gameplay more fun and a level playing field to an extent: 1. Create a album or folder where you can store your cards that are not starters that you want to keep. That way you won’t accidentally sell them or something. 2. Make it where you can have multiple lineups. Maybe you have a depth chart. Maybe you have a lineup where you can ONLY have gold players. Also have a team of only silver and or bronze players as well. Maybe you could have tournaments (like Arena or Overdrive) weekly or biweekly where you can only use your gold team (or silver team only). This would level the playing field big time. I realize that the app needs to make money, but I think it would be fun to have competitions where the playing field is more even. Overall I love the game. Just wish there were a few additions that could make the game more fun.

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4 years ago, Apocalypse3969

Stunned on the lack of developers caring about the community

The latest glitch was it for me. If EA even has game testers that actually play before a major update release, they should all be fired. The last update has ruined not only the games economics, but its community moral, faith in EA to deliver a quality product, but more importantly, the faith in EA to correct a mistake they made in coding which allowed players to cheat the system and destroy all of the above. In my heart I couldn’t give it 1-star, as it is still a fun and addictive game to play. But as far as giving EA another dime of my money which they absolutely have shown not to care about, that will never happen again. If there goal is to rid themselves of those pesky spenders and generate their income to keep the game running through advertisem*nt alone, they have probably succeeded there. I’m not going to go into the glitch that caused this post and the consternation of the community of players, as they will know what Iam talking about (if they even care about reviews which i highly doubt now)

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1 year ago, Fasthomie

Waste of time yet again

Dont waste your time on this dumb game, players trip on the field out of no where or literally on the same defensive player over and over again. Not to even mention how the difficulty is completely screwed, you will play someone who is 1000 power less than you but somehow they still mange to stop your offense so easily and then they also score very easily on your very tough defesne compared to the guy with 1000 less overall🤦🏻‍♂️ also so many plays where you can CLEARY see that you got the first down but it says its not. The game just chooses when you go down even if your still running and then all of a sudden you come to a complete stop from one guy pulling you🤦🏻‍♂️the skill move button just does its own thing and does the wrong moves sometimes and then screws you over. Theres so many other things to go on about but ya people dont waste your time on here. They cant even make simple mechanics nor even fix them but they will always make sure they are their to charge you or refresh their store offers that cost $. Thats why most games dont do good nowadays, all companies care more about the money than the quality of the content. And if they did care then they would make more money because obviously the fans care about quality!

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4 years ago, thisgameisverybroken67

If you look into it, there is an obvious lack of effort here

The game has been out for a few months now, and the same glitches have been there since day one. Where’s the effort? Is anybody trying to make this game better? Where is the fairness to ftp players like mm20 had? The tournaments are a good idea, but fix the random plays just not counting, the scheme being based off coach for some reason, and balance the draft!! I should not have an 82 qb, 83 wr, and a gold hb because only 1 was presented to me, that I chose not to take as there was a better option, and it was such an early round. I know this was the first draft tourney, but it was extremely frustrating to not reach the max tier because my team was god awful. First round I recovered 1 of my 6 fumbles, none dropped by my qb. The second round I had a good team, but only an hour before it reset. In that our I got about halfway done, only having 2 losses the whole time. Then my final draft was the joke of a team I explained above. Please balance the drafts in the future. The new field pass is literally a copy and paste but with a purple theme instead of a red theme. Promos have been pay to win as well. This whole game is literally a joke. A lot of new players have started this year, and love it. If they experienced last year, it would be hard for them to continue playing this mess.

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7 months ago, Moondogg51


Happy thanksgiving and thanks for giving us yet another impossible challenge unless you have a 6k team! Only top tier players can partake of holiday events and challenges.. show iconic players that can’t be won, I’ve done team of the week for months now and never even gotten a token other than the regular ones.. no iconic unless you get ungodly amounts of crap cards to trade and trade and trade and trade and trade and trade to get an iconic you already have.. complete an entire challenge to get a level 91 card to add to a pile to trade later and just get a duplicate card.. so many different trades take specific cards and makes it difficult to go towards a goal cuz there’s probably a better route but you won’t know unless you study the game and make it your life.. can’t use your team in a season or a game.. don’t even see your stadiums you unlocked except the rare chance your doin a pvp .. just garbage of course because it’s nfl and every single aspect is designed like a casino slot to get you so close to a card your wanting and then offer it for sale and prevent you from getting it otherwise.. I play with people I know and we all get the same cards and same crap, it’s not random or chance you’ll buy and buy and buy their little places and just get garbage.

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4 years ago, Souljacivilian


The passing icons are way too far away from the receivers and it makes you throw the ball to the wrong receiver at an extremely high rate. The icons should be attached to the receivers helmet so that won’t happen. You don’t get enough program stamina to complete program events and it takes entirely too long to regenerate more program stamina. Items in the auction house are severely over priced. Fumbling is out of control in this game. For example, Bo Jackson fumbles out of control and it doesn’t make since cause I don’t remember Bo fumbling like that back in his playing days. There should be a button that allows you to cover up the ball so you don’t fumble. There’s no way a defender can get to the quarterback before he he takes 3 steps back but in this game that’s exactly what happens and it not cool. I don’t care if the defense is blitzing, if the QB is backing up the defense shouldn’t be able to get him as soon as the ball is snapped. There’s more that needs to be fixed but these are some of the main issues I see. Also it’s unfair that the east coast has to wait until 10:30am to refresh and the west coast refreshes at 7:30. It should be 7:30 for the east coast and 4:30 for the west coast so that the game will be refreshed for everyone as soon as they wake up.

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4 years ago, Njsnsjddjdjjcjcjcncn

A shell of its former self

I played the game from the original madden mobile up until I believe madden mobile 18. Once madden overdrive started it became way to complex. Before 18 hit, there were 2 currencies, coins and madden cash. That was perfect. Once 18 hit you could upgrade your players which I thought was cool but it made no sense cause it wasn’t on console. Once madden overdrive came out, the game went downhill fast. The power rating is horrible, players exceed 99 overall, something that isn’t in console. There are many currencies that make no sense at all. It was pay to win for the top tier cards. Pro Packs were so bad. Half the things were only sellable if you bought them with madden cash. This game could return to be great if the currencies would be normal, if it was updated like regular madden console. Bringing back live events would help, but the main things in my mind are to make the game where packs are fun to open, make it where 99 is the cap and mobile gets the same content as console, let things be sellable. Content is what makes up for bad gameplay. Gameplay on mobile will always be bad so if EA invested their time on programs and bringing it closer to madden console content and focused less on gameplay, it would be a step in the right direction.

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3 months ago, @Ecoll

Great But Needs Some Changes

I have been playing Madden Mobile for about 4 years now and each year it keeps upgrading. I think EA has done a good job with this franchise. My one problem with it is that it, no cap, it gets boring. If you don’t spend in app purchases, you do get sick of this game. It will be addicting for a couple of weeks or even months but after that you will move on and maybe even delete this game permanently. It gets hard to keep playing. How I think you change that is find a way to make your team AMAZING without having to do in app purchases. EA, I know u guys want our $, but please, lower the in app purchases. You also need to have more events. Some events last MONTHS. Also, please find a way to be able to play season with your ultimate team. You spend all this time and money on your team and can’t even play full games with them. And also, I know this is asking a lot, but make a mode we’re you can draft a team. So that’s all I got if you are wondering about getting this game I say yes, you do. It’s an amazing game just needs some changes.

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3 years ago, hedjdh

The gameplay

The gameplay is garbage you can’t pick the ball anymore. The game chooses when you can get a interception. The yard gameplay is garbage. Ik your not gonna see this or fix it bc your EA and your only making madden for money not the fans. Overdrive is a downgrade I mean madden made it that’s why it’s trash that’s why 2k makes better simulation football games then madden. Madden do care about the people buying the games. They only fix stuff so less people will stop playing their games. Madden is petty the nfl is just as bad as them. NFL continues to let them make bad football games just to make more money. Why do I have to play ultimate team to play draft champions. Why is Madden squads only on ultimate team. Is bc madden is only focused on ultimate team. We still got the same relocation teams as madden 25 on Xbox 360 and PS3. It’s true that madden takes thing out the game then adds it back like it’s new content. Ultimate team is the main thing madden Is focused on look at madden mobile. Thing that been in the game but they brought back as something new. Let’s name a few shall we 1. Superstar abilities and xfactor (madden 7) abilities where already in a madden. 2. Mut draft(Draft Champions) 3. Mut Squads(Head to Head squads). This is disappointing madden is like the government of football games terrible but their name is powerful.

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11 months ago, Bad,Good,Great?

Great game, I would only add one thing.

Overall, this is a great game. You can join league’s with your friends and play each other, choose your game strategy, and a lot of other things too. I haven’t spend a single dime on the game and I have 3 or 4 iconic players. I feel people are just inpatient so they spend a ton of money on the game but it’s really not necessary. Now… the only thing that breaks my heart is that in madden 21 I believe there was an auction room. In the auction room you could sell your players for coins and with those coins you could buy other people’s players in the auction room to upgrade your team. This was probably my favorite feature back then but for some reason EA took it away… I feel if that gets added back this game would be perfect. So ya that’s really all I would add to the game I can’t really think of anything else to say. Don’t get me wrong tho, I put 5-stars for a reason. I hope in madden 24 this feature will be added back. Hope y’all have a great day! :)

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2 years ago, Elgin Sams

Add custom teams that you’re able to buy

What the title says I like the game overall but you should bring back the tour and make it so you can buy custom teams like the old game of madden mobile it was fun and I really enjoyed playing the tour with custom teams and jerseys I don’t want to complete journeys to get custom teams. Another point is because it’s it’s hard to get iconic players and it’s just really hard with some opponents you should make it so he should it should be more clear on how to create leagues and you know how you’re able to customize characters right? you should be able to put your character in to the game just like the yard and you probably won’t do this but update it so you’re able to make a custom teams like 2K because that’s something I really enjoyed 2K you can upload design and I love it but I wish we had a madden and make it another mode so you’re not so you’re not playing like a jersey game because like that’s like the basics of regular mobile games it’s journey after journey make it so it’s like Console madden I don’t care what you what you do I hope you add this in the future though please yeah I’m begging you.

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4 years ago, PeenerPiper

Money hungry inefficient devs

I brought this topic up over 4 years ago and yet it still has to be fixed. Your head to head match making system is completely broken and you do nothing to fix it. Any competitive game mode is based off luck now and not skill,I’m a 79 overall team playing against 63 overall teams and 90+ overall teams it’s just luck who I get. You take no time nor effort to fix or improve your matchmaking system. The game is hard ash to navigate due to the new interface and way things have changed. The game is still money hungry desperation as usual and expected for a free to play game but making 80+ overall players 10+ dollars is funny as ever. The in game mechanics are broken for the hard as players regardless of position can break 3+ tackles in one drive. Tackle mechanics need to be fixed so hit sticking and user picks is a thing. More thinking in to skill moves so I don’t spin when I’m trying to stiff arm side line runs. Though the game may be entertaining for a while it’s repetitive, Grindy, washed, and just becomes pointless unless seasonal events occur. I have played every season for 7 years straight now and it’s all been the same thing with very little improvement. I think this is where I call this the end of my madden journey.

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4 years ago, Munchie31

New and NOT improved

Ok so they added the yard (yawn) which KINDA lets you customize your players (that would be cool), the new promo’s have been garbage further separating the gap between “free to play” and “pay to play” players. It’s not even October and we are in the 90’s with players by the end you’re going to be 150 or so. I have over a million coins and nothing to spend them on. The new “promo stamina” prevents you from really grinding the promotion but stacks your madden today stamina (can you say frustrating) the sets by the time you have resources are out of date. Guys I seriously been with you since the beginning (I rocked a founders badge with pride) but I’m about to delete this game cause it’s just THAT BAD. Find some heart and passion that we loved in it. Stop the exact same events “run/pass through the zones”, “run/pass X amount of yards”, “minefield”, “maze”, “comeback/win”, “X amount of TD w just run/pass plays” we had all that the 1st year. What happened to combine events? Why nothing timed (complete 5 passes in 45 seconds), we have the ability to play live vs someone else by now I’m sure so why are we still turn based instead of 2 quarter length half’s, there’s lots more but you didn’t bother. You got lazy and because of that your game is dated and boring.

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3 years ago, guy019273


Usually I like madden, but this new season got me messed up. I don’t like how they created the training process as a key focal point and how they got rid of auctions. Now, there’s no point in getting higher key players besides that you can train them a little bit higher. Bring back the old mm. I was expecting greatness and got mediocracy. Also the fact that you can’t watch replays all the way, like it’s as soon as the player is down, that’s no fun. Also, what’s been kinda making me mad is the fact that they got rid of the speedflex helmets in the game. They look better and give a better feel. They have the speedflexes on when you customize your person, but not in the real game? Again, I hate the training focal point and I hate the ugly helmets and how they essentially got rid of special or rare players, in games past like overdrive and the 21 season. I’ve been playing since before overdrive and this game has come a long way, but don’t cheap out. Also I REALLY HATE HOW YOU CANT PLAY WITH YOUR MUT TEAM IN SEASONS. That’s trash and please fix everything I talked about in this or imma tell yo mama

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11 months ago, SkaiATX

Game is alright but it needs a SERIOUS update

For starters the game’s AI is terrible. Whenever you run a out, drag, or flat route most of the time the AI will either over throw it or make your character completely stop running making a wasted play. Next you have the inability to make interceptions unless a character on your team magically makes one out of thin air. Even if you have great positioning on the ball and have your defensive back staring the ball down, you are still unable to make the catch unless the game allows you to, which never happens. The whole game is oriented towards the offense as well, making it so that when you play defense your character goes out of frame. If they had a mode like the actual game does where you can control a certain character through their pov it would make a night and say difference but, nonetheless they developers have not implemented it into the mobile game. Compared to what I know EA can do this game is very subpar and should be brought to the standards we all know they can reach but sadly look too lazy to make come to fruition. This game needs a serious all round update but these are my biggest pet peeves after 5+ years of playing.

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3 years ago, lambofanclub

This Game is not worth your time

If you want to play a good football game get madden for console. This game is solely for people who like to rip open packs and get players. Though the developers don’t realize that. Reasons why it’s not good: The addition of player training is as stupid as madden max. We want a reason to acquire new players, but with training it doesn’t matter. Also they play cringe background music compared to previous years. Actually it’s quite a bit annoying. Another problem is the events are all 3min long. As a player I don’t want to feel committed to minutes of boredom for a stupid reward. We don’t care about gameplay, we don’t want to be forced to play 1min 30sec quarters. There is very little freedom involved in this. Events such as rush 30yrds or throw 30yrds are fun and simple. An experience that doesn’t make the user question their decision to play the game is what should happen. Lastly, if EA wants people to give them money, which THEY DEFINITELY DO. They have to have a reason for the customer to feel good about. I used to put in maybe 5 dollars, but for what I’m getting shows that they don’t care enough. Play if you like it, I recommend Madden. But don’t be surprised if you get more angry than excited for this piece of.

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7 months ago, Anonymous1O

Unbelievable .

This game is great, but other than that it’s terrible to me. This game has so many bugs and glitches it just ruins the game. I get crashed out so many times that I can barely even play the game. It could be different for some people but one example I could say is like the players speed up. Just say they were coming at you 20 yards away then all the sudden they go so fast, they’ll get to you in 2 seconds. I used to love this game so much in the 2020 year, but now this game is just a sick mess up. There’s also ZERO flags in this game(extracting the kick returns and kick offs.), which makes the game a total failure. there’s been so many games I played that I could’ve won, but didn’t because THERES NO FLAGS. But there’s one more thing I would like to point out. The cards for the events are like a grind time. You have to grind for days to get those cards, and it makes the game like a pay to win typa. I also recommend to add a Online Head 2 Head (Just like the console game). It’ll make the game much more better to test your team. But other than that the games great, just please don’t take this personal and takes these things into consideration. Thank you for reading.

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3 years ago, TrumpetTurtle17

Pay to win. No way around it. (Read before playing)

I mean, in theory it’s possible to get good without paying, but literally impossible. EA knows EXACTLY what they're doing, and it isn't good. I played madden 20 with my cousin since it came out, and honestly it was pretty decent of a game. My goal was to get a 99 overall team without paying a cent. Eventually I achieved my goal and could destroy people online. But flippin by that time ea had invented 115 ovr players for the pay to win group. Theres no way to win- YOU CANT BEAT THESE CROOKS. Shortly after, this game came out, and they made me get this janky trash. Gee thanks EA, thanks for ruining all my hard progress- ALL GONE literally 50 hours at least of grinding the madden mint. Screw you guys just screw you. Im not even sure how this crap is legal. And this is only the tip of the iceberg, Im mot even going to mention those scandals involving star wars battlefront or peggle blast. Something needs to change at EA like really soon, people are starting to realize how greedy these clowns are.

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1 year ago, Mrnamless

Not what it used to be…

When I started playing this game it was madden 2021. It had auction house and some other fun options including an arena draft. Last year they took those things away. I still stuck with it bought the monthly pass and made a pretty good team. I still miss the things from 2021 but I persevered through it. enter 2023. This game has taken a big dive. They carried over my roster and some players that I had but within the first week they have reduced the overall rating of those players carried over. Making them basically subpar. The game feels more like an arcade game now. And the fluidity of the actual gameplay does not seem the same and seems to be missing something. I understand they want to change the game from year to year but they should make changes that are fun exciting and better. my league is already had a number of people quit and retire from the game. I personally will not buy monthly passes or spend any more money until the developers fix these issues. overall extremely disappointing. Not to mention the fact that I’ve been playing Madden since 2001 when it was on the PS2. I’ve been playing football game since I was a kid super tech mobile. Expect upgrades not downgrades.

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1 year ago, DaGreatSnipe

Update after update it keeps getting worse

Madden Mobile was my childhood. I started playing it in 2014 and I played consistently till when they added overdrive. I loved the game it used be fun and didn’t feel completely pay to win. Now though it is awful. I thought I’d give it a try this year after not having it for a couple of seasons, and I was severely disappointed. Not only is this overdrive style of play sadly still here they’ve made it impossible to get the players you love. Taking away the auction house is just so dumb I don’t even understand why you would take away the best way of getting players(unless your pay to win greedy pigs that EA is). And it hurts to say this, but I will probably never play this game again. Unless they update it so it is like it used to be before Overdrive. This used to be such a fun game and I could spend hours on hours on it, but now I can’t even spend 10 minutes on it without being disappointed. EA please just fix this game and keep whoever in your company’s office who has the greedy hands off it.

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2 years ago, EJC638352

What happened?

I have played Madden Mobile since the very beginning about 8 years ago. For the first 4 or so years it was amazing. Then Overdrive came and took away so much about what I love about it. But then Madden Mobile 20 came and added seasons mode back. It was great for another year, and then Madden Mobile 22 came along. They removed everything that made Madden Mobile 21 great. Overdrive. Gone. Auction house. Gone Being able to use your Ultimate team in Seasons mode. Gone. So then I quit. I came back only to see these features have still not been added back. It is ridiculously pay to win. Players now have 400 overall cards when in previous years it topped out at 99 or 120. Even if you DO spend your money on things like Madden packs, which give you three okay players for essentially TEN dollars a pack, you will be ripped off. The animations are the same from six years ago, names on the back of jerseys are way too big, and there are only 12-15 plays for each catergory in the offensive playbook. And also, why is it suggesting that I run four verticals when I am 10 yards away from a touchdown? I cannot wait until their partnership with the NFL expires so I never have to play this piece of garbage again.

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3 years ago, CombineLegend

Fix the game

This game has tons of issues. The only way to user good is to do nothing and let it play out. Another problem is the fact that without money, players have to wait 3 days in order to get team of the week masters. Also, stop making the receivers drop easy passes. For example, my 93 overall Stefon Diggs has dropped so many passes on deep routes this season. I’m not even gonna get into the pay to win aspect. We don’t want a perfect game, we just want a game that actually patches up issues. And for the icing on cake, the game makes you face opponents in Arena and Overdrive that are either lower then an 85 (I’m a 90 overall), or people who put their heart and soul in this game (92+). Maybe that’s just because I’m better then most of the players in this game, maybe it’s just me taking my anger out. Whatever, I don’t care. There are countless people who would agree with this. Console has a bunch of issues to. And if you want to know why people are leaving the madden community, look no further.

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8 months ago, EAHater000

Took something great possibly amazing and took everything fun away

Back in the 2015,16,17,& 18 era for this game it was quite possibly the best mobile game on the market. The multiplayer aspect with getting to play your friends, trade with them, and grow your team to become the best in your school was an unbeatable feeling. The auction block was so much fun and I still remember going and hunting for the snipes in the shop from people trying to trade to their friends for cheap. So many good memories. Today I downloaded the game again to check it out as I have had a lack of fun mobile games recently, boy was I disappointed. No auction house, terrible multiplayer, only offline play pretty much. The good parts of the old era was building your team and doing challenges for the sole purpose of getting a rare and super powerful player to add to your roster. Now all you do is challenges for the purpose of getting coins, xp, and random other things that I have no idea what they do. Good job ea for chasing the bag and destroying all the fun of another good game. If there was ever a company to chase the bag so hard it is EA. The legitimately do not care about their player core and will do whatever it takes to turn a fun time into a loot box system. Way to go.

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3 years ago, Ea's lost fan


It’s so trash omg. Like I have no happiness when I go on the app because there’s no season. Like it’s terrible. Each year it’s gotta worse I swear. Last year I didn’t care that much about overdrive because there was a season but omg it’s terrible now. I want season back so I can actually play and not play agains ppl with insane levels. It’s not even competitive anymore. It went from madden being a field player to a manager of a team. It’s terrible. All u do is training and upgrade players. And when u wanna play a real game you have to either go in training for one play or you go on arena where people have teams above 100 and 200 overalls. Why can’t you just keep your game at its best. Go back to season and regular online like it was a couple years back. And then fix the instant relay, fix the penalties and fix the animations. Make buttons where you can actually get a pick and the catch on offense too. Make the ball carrier moves better cause there terrible and then bring a crowd into the stands. Like this game is so budget. It feels like madden was made by a little kid in his room over night. Ea put no effort into their game and it’s trash. And if you make the game better, KEEP IT FREE. This game is so disappointing. Ea just lost a fan!!

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4 years ago, Captain Kain

Wow disappointed

Why does ea sports go backwards. First off this is suppose to be NFL simulation ... were are the gloves on players visors hair wow dreds... spending all the time on things that are not nfl related look at Aaron Rodgers looks straight up Asian ... Fitzgerald dark skinned no dreds waiting for a upgrade from one year to the next and to see a huuuge downgrade is disappointing to say the lease .... go watch NBA 2K20 mobile and learn something how to replicate players gameplay presentation ,,, why pay for the license and want simulation part off the Nfl your wasting your money,,, it doesn’t feel like Dree Bress or look like him or any other star for that matter ....last year look pretty good that could of been great , if would of added on to the foundation but no .... all those sets master different players on the wrong team don’t mean anything and dumb , start at the beginning real team authentic likeness equipment audio real quarters refs weathers .... and I’m not trying to dump on EA ... but ther priorities are very strange!!!!

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2 years ago, Jayden Ammons

Few words can describe how awful this game is

This game is awful. It would make the happiest person on earth be willing to commit murder, nay, warcrimes. I mostly play in the seasons mode, cause ultimate team is garbage. If you make a pass, it's always a fair bet that you'll be picked off, even when it's the right read and the receiver is wide open, somehow the opposing DB is going to develop superhuman abilities while your receiver will be the most braindead organism ever seen on planet earth. While when you're on defense, your DB's will all have the collective intelligence(and hands) of a newborn child. They will watch and do nothing as a ball sails by them. They will receive a literal gift from God unto them, and drop it. And they will always somehow leave the receiver they are covering, open. When running the ball(and passing) your blockers will be utter idiots, and run past defenders. They will watch as a defender flies by them to sack your QB. Receivers will stop mid route when the ball is being thrown to them. I cannot find a redeeming quality in this game. I only still play it because I want to play a football sim, and not some unlicensed one with made up teams. Please, spare yourself the pain of having this game if you are reading this, I beg you.

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4 years ago, org*smicDANGER

No legacy, really?

Wow madden, that's low. Not only do I have 4000 madden cash left in the old app which didn't transfer over, I don't get to have a legacy team? that's just low. What a bunch of greedy crooks. The new game app also looks pretty much the same as the old one, with the added "benefit" of allowing me to choose if I want TRIMMED EYEBROWS?! Which is somehow important enough in football?!?! If you thought that physical characteristics were that important, at least let me get some abs or something. haha Oh and most of the currency remain the same, except they added a bunch of new ones to make it even more difficult to obtain cool new players and useful stuff. Really ridiculous. That said, I do like "The Yard". It's pretty cool and comes with some added dialogue and personalization to immerse the player, some rivalry with fictional characters, and with seemingly different rules. Kinda shakes things up a bit. Three stars seem fair. Even though your character kinda has a dad bod, even with no gut.

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3 years ago, Raoul678

Arena changes are disappointing

The changes to arena have taken a lot of the fun and competitiveness out of the game for frequent players that spend low or no money. After doing all these thing to encourage training up and ranking up players, now they have forced you to either play in the highest arena bracket with store bought teams ranking up to several thousand OVR higher or play in lower tiers with a team of players that have barely been ranked up. This defeats the ultimate team concept completely. If you want to make arena more competitive, why not use smart matching to match teams within 500 or so points of each other. It’s almost impossible to beat a team that’s 1000 or more levels higher anyway. So now I have no incentive to play with the team I’ve spent a lot of time building and it’s boring playing with a lower ranked team just to get arena awards. Plus your great plan means I can’t even play the lowest tier because I don’t have a punt returner that’s 100 or below. It makes no sense to disincentivize ranking up and leveling up players. It was bad enough that they forced this in Journeys by making some tiers require a lower class player with a high ranking or level. Disappointing direction for the game.

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3 years ago, Arglefargel

Good but Needs Improvement

I love to play madden mobile and I think that it is very fun, however it is a pay to win game. I would like if madden would add more packs to the store that I can buy with coins because I never have and never will buy madden cash. I watch you tubers do pack openings but I want to experience it myself. Also more variety of packs would be cool. They could also make it easier to earn madden cash like by winning the super bowl in seasons mode for example. I think there needs to be an audible button with at least 2 choices of new plays for both offense and defense. I don’t understand what player training does and I liked when I could upgrade my players so can we go back to training them to increase stats? Recently there was also a draft champions mode that they put in briefly, if this could stay I would love it. Overall I love the game though and if anyone from EA sees this please consider making the changes the players want.

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Kickoff the 10th Season of Madden NFL 24 Mobile Football on the gridiron. Authentic sports game action, real-world events and mobile-first visuals await in the world’s most immersive NFL Football experience on mobile. Journey back in time with vintage programs, iconic artwork and unforgettable players that left their mark on the game. Football general manager or armchair QB - touchdown and enjoy the celebrated sport with new and unique experiences. Coach your team to victory with the excitement of new visual enhancements, the return of Coaches and Playbooks and more. The game you love has never been better. Build your Ultimate Team and dominate the competition. Earn football superstars from your favorite NFL teams and compete in skill-based challenges, journeys and competitions. Keep your NFL football stars from last Season and continue progressing with your core squad. Kickoff Weekend, the Super Bowl, or evergreen modes such as Training Center - guide your team through real-world events through the full football season. Download the Madden NFL mobile app and experience the best of the NFL today. MADDEN NFL MOBILE FEATURES AUTHENTIC NFL FOOTBALL EXPERIENCE - Live Service events let you participate alongside the biggest moments of the real-world NFL season - From kickoff weekend to the NFL Draft - experience NFL events and control your destiny - Compete in Pro football matchups with your favorite NFL teams and players - Experience the most authentic football mobile app with official uniforms and stadiums in the palm of your hands BUILD YOUR ULTIMATE TEAM - Compile your team of superstars and train them to their maximum potential! - Play various football game modes and train to earn points to reach the highest OVR! - Hop into Madden Mobile leagues with new challenges, biweekly Unlimited Arena tournaments, and updated rewards FOOTBALL MANAGER GAMEPLAY - Coaches and Playbooks return to provide full control over your online football games - Showcase your football IQ and coach your team to victory - Quarterback, running back, or wide receiver – collect, trade, and upgrade your roster - Build a dynamic roster of NFL Football Superstars, unlock NFL coaches, and explore different Play Styles - Compete with your favorite NFL teams and players in this all-new season NEXT-LEVEL VISUALS & PLAYER EXPERIENCE - Sports games on mobile have never looked better with fresh visual improvements - Enjoy a new, elevated UI with dynamic gameplay HUD and breathtaking visual effects - Mobile football brought to life with weather and light settings, authentic stadium environments, and jumbotron animations - All-out Blitz or miracle Hail Mary - experience visually enhanced football play from your pocket All-new look. All-new Madden. Touchdown in the NFL today with Madden 24 NFL! Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement. Requires an Internet connection (network fees may apply). Includes in-game advertising. Collects data through third-party ad serving and analytics technology (See Privacy & Cookie Policy for details). Allows players to communicate via league chat. To disable, visit the league chat settings screen. Contains direct links to the Internet and social networking sites intended for an audience over 13. The app uses Game Center. Log out of Game Center before installation if you don’t want to share your game play with friends. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items. EA may retire online features after 30 days’ notice posted on User Agreement: Privacy and Cookie Policy: Visit for assistance or inquiries. Do Not Sell My Personal Information:}

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Madden NFL 24 Mobile Football iOS App: Stats & Benchmarks • SplitMetrics (2024)
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