The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

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19 smhcomau Wednesday December 19 2001 Entertainment mm TWO SBS SEVEN NINE TEN PRIME NBNWIN NTHNCAPIIM SjOO Uhhmg Loaning (RX 49258 700 CHMreaTk Programs 13223451 12X0 World At Noon (SX 629 1230 Something In The Air (R SX 4074 LOO National Press Club Address: Margaret Scares Chair The AustreBa Coaad (R)78722 2X0 ftP (PGL SX 89838 3X0 TWeenies(RX 8506 330 Pablo (RX £302838 3X5 Spot 6392451 3X0 Play SchooL 2426 4X0 Bananas (RX 55451 4X5 Artnur 00- 594839 4X0 Albie 9069 440 Oscar OOl 5801857 445 Sitting Ducks 509068 5X0 Horrible Histories 85285 5XS Ghost Hunter 76K35 5X0 Freaky Stories 316432 6X0 TVnMLatRas (RX1345 6X0 Chequarboard Revisited 01 SX 9364 1X0 New (9-548 1X0 The 7X0 Report (SX 819 8X0 The Naked Chef: Curry Ftst (SX When Jules goes away for the weekend ifs the perfect opportunity for a curry with the lads 432 8X0 CfauckJones-Extramcs And In-i Life i CSX Profiles the father of modern film animation Chuck Jones 52722 6X0 Aorahics0XStytt(RX1326iNTHN0uantam 6X0 ChMZ TV (RX 7132426 8X0 In The Box (RX 599432 9X0 Good Morning Australia Sooner Series (PGX 578706 11X0 News (SX 417884 12X0 Time Of Vbor Lift (PGX 665726 1X0 Judge Judy (PGX 969277 NTHNCAP InfomertiaL Home Shoppng 1X0 The Best Of Beauty And The Boost (PG: RX 94265 2X0 Oprah (PGX 946971 3X0 Neighbours (RX 879600 4X0 lbtaNyWBd(RX 950529 4X0 The Bold And TIm BosutifuL 313074 5X0 News (SX 49260 6X0 Tho Simpsons (USX 32580 6X0 Bette (USX 333838 7X0 The Nanny (RSX 6680 UO The Simpsons (PGL RSX 607890 8X0 Just Shoot Mei SX 604703 8X0 Mysterious Ways (PG SX 694971 9X0 Movie: Never TUI Mv Never (M 98 SX Claudia Karvaa 568722 nXO News (SX 231426 12X0 Sports ftnight (SX 724759 12X0 ft Iking Point (PGX 4025759 NTHNCAPinfomerdaL 1X0 Oh Baby (PGX 9387240 2X0 Cat Medio 4432399 NTHN Infobreak CAP Temporary Close 2X0 Sazmme tad 9587448 3X0 Danoz 5349469 4X0 Lift In The Word 4537943 4X0 Kenneth Copeland 4858952 5X0 Marilyn Mcfcey(RX 4859681 5X0 Benny Hina 4829440 6X0 WorldWatch Includes: Cantonese News Continues 982667 6X5 Minderin News 46828659 6X5 TMegiomaie 4908269 7X0 Das JonrnaL 2028258 8X0 ft Neofto Emma 7396118 9X0 Lt JomaL438H9 9X0 Seychaa 748761 NUO TMedtaria 2694663) 11X0 SiannBarfta 4374987 11X0 The JonrnaL 4377074 12X0 Business Report 4378703 12X0 Movie Om Winter Behind God's Back (PG 99 RXOiungaryX 558838 2J5 WaatberWatch 6368797 3X0 TV Ed 430393 3X0 AddctcdTbSoRtado (RX (DenmarkX 5893890 4X0 World Sport (RX 648277 5X0 Newshour 5716797 6X0 Global VHtage (SX (Germany Hong KomJX 643722 6X0 World News (SX 1455513 7X0 World Sport (SX 08866 7X0 Street Caff: Tbkyo (SX (UKX 087967 6X0 The Movie Show (SX 1204600 8X0 Political Assassinations: Night Fight ft Doath Dag Hammarskjatd (M SX Dag HammarskjoM UN Secretary-General until 199 met his death in a mysterious plane crash (GermanyX 86450 9X0 World News Tbntght (SX 09049 10X0 Movie: Human Bvintttrai (M99X(FranceX 06349 1L45 Movie: Xiao Wu (IL 97 RX (Hong KongX 57306600 140 Grandfathers Aod Revolutions (PGL RX26692240 2X5 Ikies Rota A Suitcase (Ft) 93121020 3X5 Anstraflan Biography (RX 4989643 4X5 WcathcrWatdL 6693827 5J5 Japanese News 65709204 5X0 Cantonese News 12728643 6X0 Early Now (SX 203258 7X0 Ibday (SX 707971 9X0 Hf5 (Final PRX 50980 NBN Today Extra (PG) 9X0 Cushion Kids 4300987 NBN Dam 502906 9X5 Mac's Clues (RX 9464345 WXO Pacific Drive (PGRX 503635 N8N Hi-5 (Final RX WXO Norm (PGX 46426 11X0 Now (SX 4665 NBN Pacific Drive (PG) 11X0 Eat Ibnight (PGX 40242 12X0 MoviK Dead Tb The World (M 91 RX Richard Roxburgh 639761 L50 Movie: Dingo (PGL 92 RX 46973797 4X0 Y7 With Tara Coiegrave 952987 4X0 Warner Bros Material (RX 315432 5X0 Fhrscape Crichton gets physical with an undercover Peacekeeper 40638 6X0 New (SX 327277 NBNWIN News 309426 6X0 A Current Affair (SX 239068 7X0 Ftasier (SX 617277 NBNWIN A Current Affair (SX With Mike llunra 7X0 Gihnore Girls (PGSX1307D3 8X8 Lotto (SX 828349 8X0 Survivor lib Africa (PG SX From Kenya's Shaba Reserve: 776529 9X0 Movie: ft Have And ft Hold (AV 97 SX Rachel Griffiths Tcheky Karyo 560180 nxo Nightline (SX 233884 NBN News 12X0 Roswell (PGX 249759 WIN News 7261T7 12J0 Late Show 4027117 12X5 Late Show (PGX 7243846 WIN L30 EnL Tonight 3082858 1X0 Armada Lewis (PGX 290778 WIN Star Trek Deep Space Nine (PG: RX 5370339 2X5 Urn Now Adventures Of Wonder Woman 260117 3X0 WIN Invasion America (PGL RX 6337925 330 Rainbow Country 3187402 3X0 Victor PmtL 7605407 400 WIN The New Adventures Of Wonder Woman (RX 5350575 4X5 ftm Australia 2801488 5X0 Paradise Beach (RX 4868339 5X0 Ent ftnight (PGL RX 483800 WIN Ace Ventura Animated 6X0 Sunrise New (SX 6093 8X0 The Book Place 4631 9X0 A Country Practice (RX 91W9 PRIME hom*o Shopping (RX 931109 10X0 Hot Streak (RX 2906 10X0 New (SX 4797 11X0 Bdd Lake (PGRX 53971 PRIME A Country Practice (RX 12X0 Movie: A Holiday ft Bamamhar (96X Connie Sellecca Randy Travis 19629 2X0 Bony (PGLRX 4049 3X0 Passioos(PGX2165 3X0 What A Cartoon! (PGRX 5385600 The Big Arvo (RX 1068 hom*o And Amy Tho Early Ybare (RSX45Q 5X0 Home hopravemcot (R SX 5242 PRIME Hot Streak (RX 5X0 Wheal Of FbrttmatRX 8529 6X0 News (SX 9258 6X0 Ibday ftnight (SX7Z77 Hot Property (RSX 4548 Dhamu 6 Greg (PG SX 3819 8X0 Vbs Dear (PG S) Comedy series 3432 1 0X0 The Great Egyptians: The RHlChopatri (PGl SX 6770123 9140 Battle Stripes (MSX 8749242 1040 Once And Again (PftSX 947722 1L40 New (SX 752600 12J0 WbstolHd (MX 499223 UO NBC Ibday (SX 4010372 PRIME Ouantam 1494223 2J0 TV Shopping 49119488 3X5 Victor PUL 868643 -4X5 fttantd Shopping 7865001 5X0 ftn And Jerry (RX 2720049 USA High (RX 7844865 Savnd By The BtH The New Class (RX Comedy series 783917 YhaDaar RADIO Booih And Jullrt 8pn 2MBS-FM Gounod's opera in five acts closely follows the structure of Shakespeare's play with teenage romance providing ample opportunity for arias Romeo gatecrashes a thrash in Juliet's honourjioping to crack onto Rosaline but across a crowded room he spies Count Capulefs yummy daughter Bing! Love at first sight Will they make beautiful music together before the discord of tragedy intrudes? Doug Anderson OPTUS MOVIE: Freedom Song (Movie Network) Vicellus Reon Shannon Danny Glover A black man recently released from jail champions the cause of civil rights GENERAL 1968: The Year That Shaped A Generation (Ovation) A look at the momentous events of this epochal year FOXTEL (Final MSX 33093 KX25 New (SX 727360 10X5 Stranger Than Fiction: Chicken Ranch Legal Brothel In Nevada (MAX 6U6432 1LS Movte The Fire Raisers (hfaFKX 34 RX Leslie Banks 1629180 UO Movie: The WHd And The WHflng (hw Pa 62 RX 8869407 3X0 Mavis: Fbrtdddcn Cargo (PGL 54 RX 8207391 4X0 Lifelong Learning (RSX 4655204 MOVIE: The Facts of Life (Fox Classics) Lucille Ball Bob Hope Two people both married fall in love even though their personalities dash SPORT: Cricket 3 pm (Fox Sports) India England Third Test day one The test of time from old ducks and old Dags to Liz Taylor and that other old Giza The Great Egyptians featuring Richard Wilkins or The Blessed Ray At lad thanks to the turning from antHerrorist training at Edwards Air Force Base in fantasies of playing a gig with his idoL Eventually he makes a ations have been exhibited in 250 galleries around the world Film starring Burt Reynolds and Dolly Partoa The original uals is wonders of television serious speculation about Cleopatra's real role in Egyptian affairs can be entertained According to this program she was a loving and compassionate queen deeply concerned with the welfare of her people Meanwhile as the tightens around bin (for the umptyumpth time in the past fortnightX many Egyptologists are pondering afresh the fate of a Boeing 767 which crashed en route from New York to Cairo on October 31 1999 killing all 2T7 on board including a detachment of Egyptian Air Force personnel re California TawakKt ala allah? Ahhhl Speculation! It's a gas innit Never mind the Sex Pistote of the Islamic jftiad when is Rod Stewart going to hit the charts with a vigorous rendition of Donald Where's Yer Troasers? Dingo 0992) 150pm 9: John Anderson (COOn Friete) grows up in the outback obsessed by the music of jazz legend Billy Cross He teaches himself to play the trumpet sustaining his passion for the perfect riff through journey of discovery to win Cross's approval Miles Davis who brings a note of charisma to Roif de Fleer's film also contributes to its robust soundtrack as hope Helen Buday is another featured player prompting the question: where is she? Friels lip-syncs some spirited hom solos by Chuck Findley Chuck Jones -A Life In Animation 830pm ABC His drawings are prized by collectors and his cre including the Museum of Modem Art in New York But hardly anyone has seen his face That changes tonight when the mastermind behind Daffy Duck Bugs Bunny Wile Coyote and the Road Runner talks about his life and work Mneep mneep! Stranger Than Fiction 1035pm ABC It's said that the Chicken Ranch a sleazy brothel in Nevada was the inspiration -for the crappy stage musical The Best UtOe whor*house In Texas which in tun inspired a rancid establishment and its staff are the subjects of tonight's dollop of brothel creeping Lotto 838pm 9: Tonight could be the night when your lucky numbers come up but count on it The odds are outrageous Political Assassinations 8X0pnv SBS: At a time when statesponsored killing of individ- being condoned and the essential elements of justice are being subverted to satisfy the introspection of America's inarticulate leader the dock is turned back 40 years to examine the death of Dag HammarskjokL The United Nations secretary-general was in Katanga attempting to stabilise the political upheavals in Congo when his plane crashed Offidafy it was an accident but given the hostility towards the UN at the time the financial and political aspirations of Cold War players there's a strong suspicion that the Swedish statesman's death was anything but accidental Doug Anderson 7: Are we ready for the true story of Cleopatra the Queen of the Nile whose name graces the cover of a magazine devoted to mysteries of the org*sm and the etiquette of office romances? seen her portrayed with tremendous allure by all manner of actrines from Diamond Liz Taylor to Pauia ArundeU been depicted as a sex bomb a shrewd political operator and a babe with a thing about carpets and ail this without the media drool provided by Who magazine Entertainment Tonight or interview programs HAGAN THE MUMBLE BY DIK BROWNE TARGET 2660 CRYPTIC CROSSWORD 16425 xTeTT A 8 It may produce respect (7) 9 Progress in the development of flight? (5) 14 Interim limits of solitaire makes haste! (10) 16 Mid -Atlantic crossing finds debtor's note calculating with 14-down (9) 17 Says bad things about gin slam (7) IB Scene of great excitement around ten (7) 19 incomplete facial hair in a tick (412) 20 Heavenly body is not entirely changeless (5) 23 Hang on there's some sea-fish! (5) 24 How do cats beat others? (4) BriStcWTilaaiLDictajS fr a sk ick 9 JONES THIS OP To CHetSTpripys is too I -njcjceiaED ouT- ACROSS' 1 States follow bivouac on Uni grounds (6) 5 Auxiliary teams also (7) 10 a dance that makes result of sunbathing disappear (5) 11 Relative captures chap and a way to set free (9) 12 Press not disturbed by back entries (8) 13 This is the main point of surgery! (6) 15 Sea gems (77) 17 Harem post (59) 21 Fool finds it about right to be a spectator (43) 22 Goat has the ability to find a water boiler (53) 25 ftsting the blast upsetting Toma (9) 26 EvK thoughts drop the first Httle girl (5) 27 Prank involving flier (7) 28 Ten ought to be more than sufficient! (6) DOWN 2 Nut as cracked by relations (5) 3 Prb (7) 4 Wasted sort of squad rendered when colourless (10) 5 Explosive jalopy? (4) 6 Shoes of aluminium discovered in the silt (7) 7 In which the cards may sit? (9) TUESDAY'S SOLUTION 16424 CATHY BY CATHY GU1SEW1TE Christmas noi-- "THE HANDWRITTEN ENVELOPE 4 CHANGED FOREVER 8N COMPUTERS COMPUTERS WITH FROZEN MOUSES COMPUTERS WTO SWSTEM ERRORS COMPUTERS THAT CM TURN IZ MONTHS Of DATA BASE ENTRIES MID GMOWEOIUE6BIE LABELS MELDED T9 AND THE INSIDE OF THE NOW-USELESS PRINTER murrain nramnnoa emom I Bnnnci3Qcz3 i mivum 4713 1 uuuuum IT nnnm rw nyiTBgyi ijuuuhu iiii r-i unwnnrmnn nmnnn UHUDUHUG DUDUPU 1912 QUICK CROSSWORD 8442 19 Refresh one's memory or skills (53) 20 Prefix: halfway Ka0 (5) 23 Belated (5) 24 Accommodation (4) MOM SEDUmn BY WILEY SIUNPED? cm Crossword Solutions IN (or Crotic or Ouick 000 96 302 025 cents per mnute GST kicluded higher rates MJdSftuOdb PUDKlnOQM pnOKa SOLUTION 8441 ACROSS 1 Mistake (43) 5 Remove from ceremonial office (7) 10 Fksteners (5) 11 Witness (9) 12 Wine-merchant (8) 13 Focal point (6) 15 Powder used to make castings (735) 17 Make a good start (33 A4) 21 Blue jacket (6) 22 Long Ftendi loaf (8) 25 Tasting heavenly! (9) 26 Unit of frequency (5) 27 Assimilates (7) 28 Famous spinach consumer (6) DOWN 2 ftfling porides (5) 3 Public advertisem*nts (7) 4 Disease-producing (10) 5 Platter (4) 6 Pre-contrived trap (5-2) 7 Becomes inverted (9) 8 Young felines (7) 9 Jack (5) 14 Utter nonsense! (10) 16 Slovenly person (9) 17 Chain of flowers (7) 18 Burdensome (7) WIZARD OF 10 BY PARKER AND HART nnnnnn nrmnnni iHPMini'i nniiHMWiiMi'i nnnrnnnn i -b-b-cHg-b nnnnmnni iimwim LmuiinuHiJuinni3 irnmunn I iirn iD-P-P nmnn O-D- muLnaupna puubp How many words of four letters or more cm you make from the letters shown herd? In inking a wont each letter must be used once only The word must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine letter word in the list No plurals or verb forms ending with no words with initial capitals and no words with a hyphen or apostrophe are permitted The first word of a phrase is permitted (eg: Htfsfin inkjet printerX WeYe used words in the main bpdy of Chambers 21st Century UcUonaryas our reference source Today's target 6 wordy goo4 23 very good 33 excellenL Solution tomorrow: Yesterday's solution: anus insular insure inure lieu unar lure naevus neural nevus nuri nurse ruin rule nine rusa ruse slue shir suave suer sura sural sure ulna ulnar UNIVERSAL unravel unreal unseal unveil urea ureal urial urinal urine ursine user value valuer varus virus visual 1912 T91ZD1 C9H8 UNISOL 1242 WORDWIT 5275 If a monkey and a hamster create a MONSTER together what minor indiscretion is the lovechOd of a South American herhhmre and a South American insectivore? tOMOfTML Yesterday soliitioK Heroia smack 19 12 17 26 Substitute the remaining figures from 1 to 9 for letters inside the Diamond The figures outside should show totals for the respective columns inside There may be more than one solution Solutioa tomorrow YesterdayY soiatioc A-7 B-2 C-5 D-3 E-9 F-8 G4 H1 J-6 X2 Can't gat today's puzzle answers? Ring Iricom Audiotext on 1900 933 26 to find out 825 cents buys one minute GST included Higher rates may apply from some telephones 16 22 18 18 74 tk rt I.

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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.