I’ve Learned How to Love You - HoodieAngel345 (2024)

Chapter Text

The moon hung high, barely visible through the clouds that resided above the infamous New York City. A tired aura fell upon the land as residents fell into slumber, and shops left closed for the night. That was, except for downtown. Where a truly extravagant celebration was held tonight.

Alastor reached for his glass on the table beside him, looking up at the grand clock on the center wall. 8:37pm. He had only arrived a few hours ago, mingling and conversing with anyone he knew, or would listen. A common theme of the conversations were the reasons for the current celebration. The recently resolved debate inside the New York Italian mob, many grand parties were held throughout the week, many of them being described as birthday celebrations in reserved business clubs for the families. The Luciano family specifically, now reunited as one. The party Alastor found himself at tonight held significance as the 13th this week, and by superstition, the luckiest. This explained the large amount of guests, and extravagant food and wine. Something Alastor indulged in eagerly. He’d always had a taste for red wine, but today his taste roamed through many different liquors. Testing any he could get on the house. Who would say no to free drinks in this economy?

Ss he glanced around again, he looked for anyone he could recognize. Already having talked to his boss, Dick Marino today, he wasn’t left with many options. The night was still young, he couldn’t leave already. Hie may have kept up appearances, but he found himself quite bored otherwise. However, once turning around again, a glint of honey stained hair caught his eye like a fish to a shiny hook. Before realizing how his limbs moved with one another, he gravitated toward the glow; a girl. A lazy haze surrounded her as she stood tall, champagne glass in hand. Al was no stranger to pretty dames, the club was simply filled with beautiful flapper girls. But this one seemed different somehow. More elegant. A movie star from before his time. In the modern day. It was common to find a girl, go on a few dates. And leave, but Al wouldn’t have considered himself a man of that culture.

And suddenly, there he was, stood inches away from the gorgeous woman now as she swayed her hips while sipping the glass. Usually he’d be quite the ladies gentleman, however, he was tipsy, and most definitely anxious. He made this work.

“Madame..” He cooed from behind her.

She whipped around seemingly in shock. Her eyebrows co*cked to the sudden confrontation. But as she looked at the man in front of her, something in her eyes shifted to a certain flirtatious gaze. “Well hello darlin’, you here for a good time?”

Al’s head tilted a little to the side, obviously confused by her tone of words. “Well by far dear, isn’t that what parties are for?” He now glanced down at the free hand held in front of her gorgeous rhinestone corset. He my hoped that the deer antlers engraved into his cufflinks would give him an expensive appearance. “May I?”

It was only now that he got a very good look at the woman. She truly was elegant. Her pale skin complimented the short cut modern curly hair that seemed to fall perfectly to her ears. A gothic red and black brim veil hat sat perfectly atop her head, covering her face only from the left to her nose. The dark rose earrings she wore seemed to grace the sides of her toned, but soft face beautifully. However, the most breathtaking part of her appearance had to be the grand ball gown that adorned her body perfectly. The red ruffles compared to the black skirt base almost overtook the whole outfit, though the red rhinestone corset made its appearance well known, sinching her waist perfectly. Finally adorned with a black fur boa, complimenting her pale honey skin. A hazy glow still seemed to cover her like candlelight, bringing out every feature that made her unique. Al couldn’t possibly have ever seen a more majestic woman.

She giggled coldly. “Well darlin’, with how you’re starin’ so hard, ya’ might as well just undress me right here hm la mio dolce~?” She cooed, holding out her hand. The strong accent almost hid the unusually low pitch that her voice beamed.

Alastor paused, trying to process the assumption. “Why no! My dear.. I’d at least take you home first if you’d be so kind. I don’t see such darling dames ‘round these parts so often.” He then took the gloved hand and raised it to his lips as he placed a gentle kiss on the middle knuckle. “Alastor, my dear. And who do I have such the pleasure of meeting on this fine night?” The alcohol laced his slurred words. He gently let the blonde’s hand go, placing it back gently to the graceful place it resided.

“Why, I’m sure that’s a fib if ya’ve been ‘round these parts for a while.” She said, hesitating to answer the latter question. “Why, I’m Angelica.. most call me Angel.”

Al’s eyes flickered again from her dress, to her face. He swore the brightness that radiated from her could make plants grow in her presence. “Oh darling, what an Angel you are~ and the pleasure’s all mine. I apologize, but beautiful things like you are so sparse around these parts. I’d simply love to see what a gorgeous dame such as yourself has to offer. That is of course, if a man hasn’t already made you his own? It wouldn’t be surprising, he’d be one lucky gentleman.”

Her eyes met his in a foxy gaze that seemed to be rehearsed. “Oh heavens no! Not yet at least..” The flirtatious hint in her words made Alastor’s knees like jelly as he stood. This feeling only heightened as she leaned closer to put a gloved hand on the shorter man’s cheek, grazing it softly like snow. “But I bet you do know how to have a good night hm? What is it that you’d like to do?”

Al’s smile grew. He leaned in slightly to his newfound interest, inspecting her beautiful brown eyes. “Any night is a good night if I’m with you, darling. Now what do you say, another drink?” He fully intended on taking things further, and was sure that she was on the same page, but something seemed off, a bit artificial.

Her eyes flickered from his own, down to his lips. She smiled, pleased with the gentle demeanor he presented. Most men who approached the blonde never did so gently. “Well of course, what do you say we take things somewhere else afterwards?” She now held her left hand out for Alastor to take. Despite being a few inches taller than him, both of them found that they enjoyed the reversed roles.

He took her hand, letting the blonde lead the way. He paid close attention to how her feet seemed to glide across the floor, rhythmically clicking heels with the tile beneath. She appeared so graceful in the way that she moved; he could only imagine how she would dance. And with her hand so lightly holding onto his, there was no doubt that she knew a thing or two about music and rhythm.

“Oh now don’t be shy to stare hm? I ain’t somethin’ to be kept secret honey.” She moved her hand to caress Alastor’s upper arm. He was quick to look away, She giggled in response, and took his arm to link into hers. “C’mon darlin, ya ain’t gotta be so shy either’.”

It was true, Al was being such a wuss, and that was frustrating for the man who felt that any woman could be woo’ed by his flattery. Somehow, he was the one being flattered and flustered. Even with the assistance of the alcohol, his nerves still jumped any time she said anything even remotely flirtatious. Her voice seemed to be the source. Lower in pitch, but indifferent to the tone of a queen. She knew that she was elegant, and she played the part so so well.

As they approached the bar, Al attempted to guide Angelica onto a barstool. Though, he was put in his place as she hopped up with ease. Her legs were longer than Al’s, making the tall seat easy to access. He admired the way she seemed graceful, yet independent. Just one of the things he found himself admiring. He quickly sat down beside her, waving down the bartender.

“I’ll take a whiskey, neat, please. And something sweet for the lady, hm?” His smile grew, the corners pricking up the sides of his face. He hadn’t noticed the blonde’s slight cringe beside him. “You seem like the type to enjoy sweets.” he cooed.

She quickly bounced back, pacing a hand on her leg. “Oh, not too regularly. But you’re surely not a man I’d expect to order a strong drink. What are you tryin’a do Al? Hm?” Her sultry tone made Al shiver. His stomach flipped as he tried to keep his composure.

“Oh well, I’ll take my free whiskey where I can get it, you know.” The grin on his face only spread further. Just as he finished speaking, the barman came back around to deliver their drinks. One plain whiskey in a small shot glass, while the other martini glass held a potent pink liquid with a cherry garnish. Alastor took note that even from where he was sitting, the strong scent of sugary fruit filled his lungs. This time, he did see the visible cringe from Angel.

Though, she did sip it. Alastor took note of that. The willingness to not be picky with what she was given. He took a sip of his own whiskey while watching her recoil after the small sip.

“Wow- that is-..” She tried her best to fake a pleased voice just as she had before, but Al knew. “That’s got such a-… uhm..” Her sentence wasn’t finished before Alastor grabbed the drink and slid it to the other side of the counter.

“Bartender! My apologies, Another whiskey.” His smile sat in the exact same way until he took another sip of his drink. The bartender quickly replaced the drink, and when he glanced to Angel again, she looked far more excited, trying to hide the slight blush that painted her face.

The both of them drank their fill. Angel now four drinks in, while Al was a few ahead. Though, their tipsy high had broken a few walls that they dared not to touch before. Angel’s voice seemed to become deeper, although Alastor didn’t mind. A girl’s voice was her own, no matter how it sounded. She also lost some of the perfect composure she’d had before. Becoming more comfortable to talk about the things that came up between them. This made Angelica more human in Alastor’s eyes. A more casual presence, vulnerable.

Alastor, himself, had become settled. His nerves now calmed, and his demeanor of a gentleman flourished with the mellow feeling. The changes in his behavior almost unnoticeable

Everything about her was magnificent. The words that flattered him, or her elegance and grace. The thoughts of love flowing through his veins now. He found himself again thinking of how she’d look on his arm, sleeping peacefully in his bed, under the altar; a pure white veil placed ever so delicately on her head. He could let his mind wander for days, never growing bored. He only snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a hand land softly on his own.

Alastor couldn’t bear it anymore. He took her hand into both of his, pecking the gloved hand again. He gazed up at her through heavy lidded eyes. “My darling, Why don’t we leave this place behind. I’d love to see you outside of the busy bustle of the streets.”

She giggled down at him. Flickering her eyes between his lips and eyes. “Are ya saying you’d like to take me home?”

He averted his eyes slightly. “Well, Yes, in a way.”

His mind insisted on flicking through the domestic memories that he’d yet to make. Seeing her prepare coffee, Taking care of her while she was ill, The fights, the outings, he wanted it all. Just the thought of her made him weak to his knees. He needed her more than he’d be willing to admit.

Alastor glanced up to her once more. Her bright smile gazing down at him, almost taunting him. “I’d love to, curio mio…”


The taxi ride seemed to last four lifetimes in the span of only 20 minutes. By this point the pair were incredibly intoxicated, gripping onto each other in more intimate places. Alastor’s hand was now placed tightly on Angel’s thigh, and hers was around his waist, Al had no intention of keeping up appearances anymore. His jacket slung across his shoulder while his bow tie hung lower and lower each time the blonde’s hand came up to tug at it as they inched closer. The tension grew thicker as the minutes ticked by. Alastor was barely holding onto his composure.

Finally, as the agonizingly slow ride home came to an end, Alastor’s excitement only grew,. Angel also seemed antsy, her hands losing their hesitation as she gripped his clothing.. Al practically threw the coins he owed at the driver. He knew this was rude, but god, he couldn't wait any longer than he had to. Though, on the contrary, he still had the capacity to politely help Angelica out of the car, linking their arms together as they drunkenly stumbled to the apartment steps.

Alastor hastily fumbled with his home key to open the apartment door. The brisk breeze suddenly replaced by a gentle warmth as they stepped in the apartment. The gas stove purred gently just out of view in the corner of Al’s kitchen. His living room painted a bright baby blue with gorgeous dark wooden furniture placed neatly in a cozy arrangement. Most of the furniture had been picked out perfectly by Al and his mother.

Sparks flew as they intertwined, embracing each other with such lust and passion. Al knew where to place his hands to make any lady swoon. His fingers dug into Angel’s hips. Quickly noticing how little plush she had as he dug into the bone easily. He hadn’t realized how rough he’d been until she let out a slight whimper above his ear. Yet, Angel still wouldn’t sit down. Al did, however, let go once the blonde’s fingers found their way into his hair. God, he’d never felt such a rush from a woman’s touch.

Their lips interlocked, moving against each other, teeth grazed lips and tongue while they explored each other like new playthings. Angel’s hands particularly gravitated towards Al’s coarse hair. The frizzy curls being gripped only gently, causing Al’s breath to hitch.She pulled him closer to deepen the kiss, which only sent pins and needles spreading all the way to his fingertips. Al reacted harshly, his grip on Angel’s waist tightening to pull them flush against each other. He began to reach for the corset snug against her bony figure.



Angel hesitated, separating their bodies, now in front of the bed. Alastor observed the panic on the blonde woman’s face as she looked around the room, then back to him. Her breath tense as she gripped onto his shoulders with a tight anxiousness. He was about to open his mouth when she finally spoke. `I simply think.. that we must dance! We didn’t get the opportunity to at the party.”

The record player took up a good majority of the corner in the bedroom. The records being stored underneath, and the surface filled with another organizer. Framed photos cluttered the rest of the top; Al cherished every one of them. The records themselves had been collected through his mother, and the savings he’d raised from each paycheck.

Al’s expression softened, not quite gathering the worried demeanor of the other. His left hand moved to adjust his round glasses back to the bridge of his nose. His right used to push himself off the bed. He slowly rose to his feet, letting go of Angelica. He hadn’t noticed the sigh of relief as he walked slowly over to the record collection, flicking through it until he came upon a certain disk.

“How does a tango sound? I’m sure you know how, yes?” Alastor turned with a record in his hands. The blonde smiled seductively, sending Al’s confidence through the roof.

“Why yes! Been taught a long while ago, hadn’t done a lotta dancin’ since my pa…” Angel’s voice turned softer as she spoke. She took a few gentle steps towards Alastor, placing her hands on the other’s shoulders and leaning towards his ear. “I bet you’d know just how to handle me, hm?” The whisper was delicate, breath barely felt against the dark skin. This still earned a shiver from Al as he put the record down on the set. The needle moved carefully to the center of the disk, as Alastor turned the volume knob to the right.

To this, the brunette turned ever so slightly. He adjusted the bun which was now loose on his head, then quickly snatched Angelica’s waist in one swift motion. This earned a gasp from the taller, being taken to the middle of the room. “Well, I haven’t danced like this in quite a while, I believe you could help, yes?” The brunette muttered in a sensual tone.

Though, The blonde quickly snatched the big hands from his corset, taking them into her own. The cool sensation made Al’s stomach flip. She then leaned in slightly closer, her whiskey laced breath grazing Alastor’s cheek. “I suppose I could show ya the ropes, curio mio.” The accent added to the Italian only emphasized the lust flowing rapidly through the room. Who was this angel to deny Al what he wanted only compensating with a dance filled with the same passion.

As the music started, Angel’s hands took to Al’s own like moths to a flame. And what a flame it was. Their feet swept the floor, Angel’s heels harshly clacking the wooden surface with each step. Hands intertwined, while their lips followed closely. Alastor kept both of them from clashing with the surrounding furniture, while Angelica managed both of their heels, rhythm and timing. Despite Alastor’s previous statement, he truly was doing splendidly. Tangling their feet and arms, pivoting, spinning, turning, gliding across the apartment floor. They were nothing but lilies in a stream. Both of them managed to sneak a few soft kisses in between their motions. Despite the growing tension, Alastor couldn’t deny that he loved the teasing and twirling that their tango brought about. An impeccable display of emotion and lust. Alastor’s lips brushed the blonde’s neck, leaning his head back in euphoria.

Their dance left little room for time to think, yet Alastor still found himself with the lingering emotion of something more than the previous lust that he’d displayed so blatantly. He’d never felt such a way with a dame. Intimacy was easy, he’d surely had his share, but this was beautiful, pure and patient. Alastor hadn’t realized that love at first sight was real, but now that he stood here, his emotions came to. He was in love with this girl.

Alastor never wanted this night to end. The singular moment engraved in his head now, eternally wishing to take him back to this very dance, each kiss they shared, each touch; precious to them both. Angelica’s face was just as perfect a few inches away. Her sharp jaw complimented the soft features that made her elegant demeanor all the more authentic. Her gorgeous brown eyes wouldn’t leave him alone, enchanting him each time he even snuck a look up through his round glasses. He couldn’t believe such a perfect human being was real.

As they reached the end of a break, Their positions shifted. Angelica leaned in too close to his ear, whispering lightly; “trust me, tesoro.” She purred. Leaning only a little further to latch a hand under Al’s thigh, the other moving to the back of his waist. He let his foot slip up. And before Al could think another thought, his eyes were closed, and his body now gravitated towards the floor. Only trusting Angelica to keep him afloat. He gasped just as warm lips pressed against his in a passionate kiss that sent his nerves to a peak at which they’d never been before. The kiss lasted until Angelica pulled him back up, and he finally opened his eyes to their now separated faces. Leaving a trail of saliva between them, which was soon broken by a sharp right pivot.

Once Alastor was released, another wave of confidence rushed through him. Letting go of Angelica’s hands to move across her waist and hips. Slowly exploring new parts of her that he’d yearned for. Though, his grip on her waist was firm, fearing nothing between them. They were unified as one, gliding and passing through. He then leaned forward as the sharp crescendo in the song made them both shiver. passionately, he linked their lips again in another confident kiss that he was sure both of them relished. A kiss that could only last a few seconds until the lust would overtake them both.

And a few seconds it was. Before they knew it, the music had turned to static. Filling the room with the flat noise that left both, reaching for breath. Their faces only a few inches apart. The passion in Angel’s eyes wouldn’t match any dame Alastor had ever met. Not in terms of need, but love. Angelica had a certain passion that Alastor had seen many times, but only towards other men. Never him, never his turn to feel such a love. A new feeling that described a want for him, and him only. A love for his beauty, and his person.

Al’s gentle hand reached up to brush a few strands of hair from Angel’s face. “Darling.. You’re glowing.” His hands moved to the other’s waist, securely tightened by the corset. He brought one up to the blonde’s cheek and brushed his thumb lightly across his face. The scratchy static hissing from the other room was the only noise beside their gentle breaths. Angel leaned into the touch, savoring every moment, This pleased Alastor greatly. They leaned in to kiss once more, the passion between them ignited by each touch.

“My Angel,” Alastor whispered into the kiss.“Shall we continue from where we left off then?” He pulled away, a large grin plastered itself across his face. The whole night had built up to this moment, he felt that both of them were ready. Though, if there was any hint of hesitation in her actions, he would always take her own comfort before his own.

However, his certainty was doubtful as the blonde’s expression subtly changed. A new fear that had never shown its face before. Panic that could only be described with the need to hide. Alastor couldn’t put his finger on what she’d be hiding though. As soon as he picked up on this, his brow furrowed in concern. “Darling, dear.. we don’t have to do anything if you wouldn’t like to. I wouldn’t want to go too far, if tonight isn’t right, I wouldn’t allow myself to force you to do anything you wouldn’t fancy. You’re a stunning, beautiful, charming girl. But you’re only a lady. I’d want only your comfort tonight. We don’t have to do anything for you to stay, It’s late, and I’d love to host you.” His tone dripped with sincerity as he took both hands to Angel’s cheeks. He held the other’s face so softly now, porcelain in his hands.

“Alastor, I really wish I-… could, I just-…” The pause in her voice almost scared Alastor. “I-.. this is the first time we’ve really met.. I know I’m known to go along with anything a man offers I just- simply can’t tonight..” her voice cracked, now lower in pitch.. “I’m so sorry, you’re so gentle, and-.. mi dispiace, amore mio, grazia mio. sei così gentile.” Tears welled in her eyes as she leaned back into the kind hands. Kissing Al’s left palm before looking back to Alastor’s sympathetic eyes. Al was quick to wipe the falling tears as he leaned in for another kiss. This was not what he expected, but he’d make due to keep her happy at any cost.

“My star.. oh it’s alright, don’t cry. There’s no need to apologize, my love. There’s no need for worry. You’re safe here, I promise..” He flipped his right hand to brush his knuckles across Angel’s face. “It’s late, you’re more than welcome to stay here. Nothing is required but comfortability.” While keeping his hold soft, he leaned in to graze each spot where tears had fallen gently with his lips, kissing her softly each and every time. Then moving to meet soft lips with his. However, pulling back a few moments later. The smile on his face turned lazy. Until now, Al hadn’t noticed that the alcohol had truly taken effect. They were both drowsier by the moment.

He carefully moved his hands again to Angel’s waist, almost to ground her. The hard shell of the corset gently prodding at his fingers. He felt the blonde stiffen, but lean into the touch within seconds. He sensed a certain causality to him which not many other people may have received from the gorgeous woman.

Soft hands gently pressed against Alastor’s chest.. “Thank you, la mio colomba. I don’t know why I’m so-.. emotional I-.. this means so much to me Alastor, you have no clue. But- if you’d have me, I’d love to stay. I’ve nowhere to be.” Alastor smiled, observing her closely once more. Specifically the smudged blood red lipstick that barely clung onto her thin lips. Al wondered how much of it stained his face and neck.

She moved out of his touch, sniffling quietly as she wiped a few more eyeliner stained tears. Even crying, Alastor found her undoubtedly beautiful. “Of course my dear, you’re always welcome. C’mon, let’s go get ready for bed, yes?” He smiled warmly, wrapping an arm around her waist to guide her inside his room.

“I’ll start to freshen up for bed, sweetheart, your bathroom?” She chirped sweetly.

Al gestured to a closed door just beside the bedroom entrance. “I’ll get you some clothes, those can’t be all too comfortable.” He chuckled slightly, watching her nod. Something seemed apprehensive about her tone now. He wished that eventually he could be the person that she would always trust. “And I’ll be right out here if you need me, my love.”

He couldn’t help but notice the smirk and slight pink haze that graced her face before she disappeared behind the door.

After turning the record player off, Al began searching for the perfect pair of nightclothes for his guest. His heart welled at the thought of Angelica. She wasn’t similar to the other dames that he’d worked with before. Her voice was so blissfully unique, it made him weak to the knees. Her gentle demeanor had his stomach in knots. He knew his thoughts were repetitive throughout the night, yet he couldn’t find a way to fend them off.

He found a perfect set of gray pajamas, a small rose sewn into the pants. A gift from his mother while teaching him how to sew complex patterns. He’d worn them a few times, but the meaning behind them gave him an all new admiration to seeing his guest in them. Besides, he hadn’t owned a nightgown to give her.

After setting the clothes down by the door, he stood up and knocked lightly to get her attention. “My love, your clothes are by the door! Let me know if there’s anything else you need dear.”

He smiled to himself as he heard a timid “thank you love.” Through the door.

After he saw the door open and close. Al decided that it was his turn. He opened his wardrobe again and picked out a warm old fashioned black fleece sweater, and brown striped cotton pants. His preferred winter nightclothes. He stripped himself of his formalwear; feeling the scent of alcohol melt away from him was refreshing. The wool and cotton gave him a much nicer, clean aroma.

Once he was fully changed, Al sat himself on the side of the bed, staring at the door, awaiting her arrival. His mind raced with romantic thoughts, keeping himself captivated in the idea of her. In his bed, on his arm, at his table, at the altar. He couldn’t put his finger on why this love was so different and enamoring.

Though, a questionable noise brought him out of his thoughts. A sniffle, then a muffled sob coming from the bathroom. He’d hoped that this was only a hiccup, but as he waited, the soft sniffles didn’t cease. Al could only put his ear to the door in order to hopefully catch a glimpse of why his Angel was in distress. A clank followed by another soft whimper made him jump.

“Angel, darling, are you alright? I-I promise I wouldn’t pressure you to do anything, you come first my dear..” He mumbled through the door. It took a few more muffled sobs, but finally he heard a hand on the doorknob. Hesitating before clicking the lock open.

In front of him, stood a gorgeous blonde, now dressed in his clothes. The tears that stained her now rosy cheeks and puffy eyes blotted her mascara and ruby red lipstick. The porcelain skin that he’d once caressed enduringly turned to grayish slate. Her features now displayed the face of a man. Alastor chose not to bring it up.

Al rushed to be of comfort. Sweet words and simple touches were his preference; Angel had seemed to like it previously as well. The brunette took the tampered porcelain in his hand, the skin felt of damp silk in his palm. The other made its way to her left hand.

“Oh dear, I- I hate to see you cry.. you know-..” Al tucked a strand of curly blonde hair behind her ear. Upon no response from the other, he huffed slightly. “If there is anything-… anything at all that’s upsetting you, my star, you can tell me. I won’t be upset I simply want you to be comfortable.” He whispered.

Her eyes flickered from side to side, now hesitant to lean into the touch. She finally looked down to the left, avoiding the brown eyes in front of her. “I-I’m… a fraud..” Her mumbles could barely be heard over the subtle white noise provided by the heating system. Though, Al could not be more confused. His expression yearned for her to further explain.

Her eyes came up to meet his again, but only momentarily, averting them in order to speak again. “I’m afraid I’ve lied to you Alastor.. I may be your muse, but I’m not who you’ve painted me to be. My colors much too bright, the lines sketched far too straight. To capture me, the technique must be tainted, and the pencil dull. The paint should chip and fade before I am truly set into the page…”

She let go of Alastor’s touch, backing away with her arms now wrapped around her. Al only waited. “I know you believe you’ve danced with a gorgeous dame tonight, but you haven’t- I-I’m-...” She trailed off long enough for Alastor to intervene.

‘My beautiful star, you-.. I’ve never met such a woman like you. The- the person I danced with tonight is like none I’ve experienced. When I saw you; from the moment you laid eyes on me, I knew you were exceptional. And from our time spent tonight, I’ve seen the person you can be, and I would love to be a part of that. I would love to be a part of you.”

The quiet escalation of Angel’s expression that followed Alastor’s words was painful for him to watch. He could only watch as the heavenly being he’d spent the night with broke into tears in front of him. An agonizing display of hurt and deception that his heart ached to solve.

“Oh, oh don’t cry my dear..” He couldn’t resist anymore, stepping forward to take her hands gently into his again. ‘My dear sweet Angel.. I know I jus-“

“Anthony!” She cried out, jerking her hands away from his.

“Anth- who?”

“Anthony.. my name is Anthony, Alastor.” The blonde took another step back, now lifting her eyes back to his. “I’ve deceived you all night, I’m a fraud.. All I am is a man in a pansy look. At first, I thought the nice names and compliments were simply playing. I figured you knew. But- even when I caught on, I played along even when I realized you were serious. Too drunk to tell.. I couldn’t be in the same bed as you because I knew I didn’t have what you wanted. And now I’m only filled with regret. My heart yearns to be with you, but I know that this would only be indulging in someone who wouldn’t see me the same way. You didn’t deserve this, you- you don’t deserve this, Alastor.”

All at once, the weight of the situation hit Alastor like a ton of bricks. The defined face, raspy voice, even the feel of the hands that skimmed his body in the way no dame had. How could he be such a fool? An intoxicated fool. The sudden details only put themselves together now. He bashed himself for not figuring it out sooner. The only woman he’d ever truly felt romantically for was, in fact, not a woman.

“It truly is a pattern.. I thought you would’ve noticed. I assumed that you were only another man looking to use my body, and give a little cash afterwards. That’s- well that’s my profession after all, but I’ve assumed wrong. Angelica was only an alias used for my profession… I apologize, Alastor.”

Al’s thoughts consumed him so thoroughly that he couldn’t even notice the blonde back away into the bathroom again. Leaving with the only sense of distraction from his thoughts. The ones of guilt, shame, hurt. But surprisingly, sympathy for Anthony. All that he must have been through, anything he’d done to make ends meet. The depression had stung them all, and it was only getting worse. And Al had never personally been so close to someone who worked like that. His show girls sold themselves on occasion, but not regularly, or not that he knew.

Finally, Alastor found himself turning to the record player. Walking over and taking the disk from it’s spot, and tossing it to the ground. It landed just out of sight, under his bed. Originally, he’d kept it there in remembrance of the night he’d had. But Al did not want to remember. This horrid night needed to stay tucked away in his memory forever.

Once his guest came out of the bathroom, Al had already made his way to the door. They hadn’t exchanged words, even after Anthony stopped right in front of him to grab his coat. He looked down at the elegant corset, noticing the all too real illusion of a woman. But as he looked up again, he was met with a cold stare.

‘You’re trash compared to me. An impolite man who couldn’t even afford me if he tried. Be appreciative I gave you tonight free, seeing as the only thing wasted here, was my time.”

Anthony’s eyebrows furrowed in anger, but Al could only stare blankly as he took in his raspy, mannish voice. Feeling the realization fall over his shoulders all over again like a raw egg over his head. What had he done?

But with another scoff, Anthony was out the door. Now walking away slowly. Alastor should’ve offered a taxi. Now all he could think about were the mistakes that were made, and the poor human being that he’d stabbed in the back.

Alastor couldn’t stand to watch him leave. All he could let himself do was stumble to the back of the kitchen, grabbing the key to the wine cabinet, opening it, and grabbing a cool bottle filled with the liquid that would soon become his replacement lover once again. Sitting down at the bay window which faced the street. He took a sip of the thick sting as he watched the makeshift woman sit on the sidewalk. The glint of honey stained curls glistened in the streetlights.

. . . . . ╰──╮ ╭──╯ . . . . .

When Death engulfs you, is it painful?

When you’ve had enough, your time is through.

Anguish, the shot through your skull.

Weeping. Time fought deceased

The ember of love flourished

Yet extinguished.

When I fell from earth, it did not hurt

My hellish rebirth, made anew from brimstone.

A short little man, a preposterous appearance

Dignity and honor ran low, such a weak display

I deserve it

I’ll admit

My crimes on earth justify my afterlife.

I’ve Learned How to Love You - HoodieAngel345 (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.