Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

Lawmakers Study Code of Ethics WASHINGTON President first ganization plan, and a new code ethics designed to expose and cut down congressmen's outside incomes, are on the congressional docket this week. Carter's proposal to. consolidate all non-nuclear 'energy programs into one department. is to be sent to Capitol 'Hill Tuesday. The Senate and House are expected to consider it promptly: although inclusion of the Federal Power Commission in the new department could run into trouble.

House leaders have scheduled action on the new code of ethics starting Wednesday, and it is expected to win overwhelming approval despite resistance to a limit on outside earned income. The Senate, which originally scheduled action this week, has put off until March deliberation 'of a similian. code for senators. The Senate and House dockets are relatively normal for this time in a new Congress leaders are urging committee chairmen to begin work on bills, which can be moved to the floor. The creation of a new Cabinet- level energy department requires special legislation and cannot be carried out under the broad reorganization authority Carter has requested.

The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee has approved the broad authority, under which a plan would go into effect unless vetoed by either the Senate or House in 60 days. It could reach the Senate. this week. The House Government Operations Committee opens hearings on the plan this week with Chairman Jack Brooks, backing a counter proposal under which. Congress would have.

to vote affirmatively to permit a plan to go into effect. The Senate may take up -but not before Thursday the nomination of Paul Warnke for the: dual role. of chief SALT Papers Sought, On China Deal WASHINGTON (UPI) Secretary of State Cyrus Vance says the Carter administration is looking for Nixon era documents that might clarify reports of a secret: U.S: agreement with China to end with the government on Taiwan. Vance responded Sunday in a-' televised interview (CBS- TV's Face the Nation) to a report by columnist Kraft that a search' began after a Feb. 8.

meeting between President Carter and Huang Chen, head of the Peoples Republic of China Bulletin By Carrier 70c per iN $36.40 per year By Mator Route: $1.05 per month. $36.40 per your Matt In Henry, Patrick, Franklin' and Pittay6 vanla Counties in Virginia and ham. Stokes and Surry Counties in North Caroline, evening and Sunday. 1 year months months 1 month $32.50 $19.40 3 $11.23 3.00 Elsewhere. $41.25.

$22.50 $12.30 Entered in the post office. Martins ville, Virginia, as second mail matter negotiator and head of the and Disarmament Agency. There is considerable mostly from conservatives and military hardliners. 'Except for the ethics code, the House has scheduled only routine legislation for the week. Major provisions of the ethics.

code are an $8,675 limit (15 per cent of the $57,500 salary) -on extra income, disclosure all and amounts of income annually. an end privately financed "slush funds" to defray expenses and a limit of $100 on gifts that can be accepted. it on outside income which does not include money from investments such as stocks and bonds has raised the most opposition. An attempt will be raise the ceiling $15,000. Security Tight For Abuse Trial ATHENS, Tenn.

(AP). A special sound equipped room was readied at McMinn County Courthouse today to hold the overflow crowd expected at the trial of Ronald and Wanda Gibson Maddux, charged with the beating death of Mrs. Maddux's daughter, Melisha. The child's nude body. was found on a bare, mattress in the unheated 'living room of the home in Cleveland, last Oct.

13 just five months after the state returned Melisha to the couple. The Madduxes had been convicted of abusing Melisha when she was 11 months old and were jailed for six months. The state Human Services Department returned the child to them last May. Reporters and some 150 prospective jurors were expected to fill the 200-seat. courtroom.

A basem*nt room with to relay the proceedings was prepared for the over-: flow. Criminal Court Judge James Witt said attorheys and witnesses in the second-degree murder trial would use a side door of the courthouse to keep them away from reporters and the public. will be stringent? security at the courthouse," said Sheriff Larry Wallace. "And there will be extra tight security measures taken at the jail while the Madduxes are here. Judge Witt moved the widely-.

publicized trial to Athens last year because "he said heavy publicity made it impossible for the Madduxes to receive a fair trial in Cleveland area. a Last week, he rejected a. motion to suppress statements the Madduxes made to sheriff's deputies the day the body was fgund. Mrs. Maddux was alleged to have' said her husband resented Melisha because the child was fathered by another Maddux reportedly, told deputies that he disciplining Me.

lisha after she wet her pants. Maddux alleged, to have said he beat Melisha with a stick to keep her. walking, and allegedly. made the following statement: "I made her. keep walking back and forth all day.

to try and tire her out so that she would sleep that night. I kept giving. her the hot sauce a tablespoon at a time: She asked me for a drink of water. I got a glass of water and told her if she would take. the tablespoon of hot sauce, I would give her a drink.

swallowed the hot sauce and I drank the glass of water." Maddax told officers he gave -Melisha a shower and sent her to bed alone, naked on the: bare mattress in the cold living room. An autopsy concluded she died the following morning of shock and exposure. convicted, the Madduxes could be sentenced to 10 years to life in prison. Help Us Save Our Precious Energy We do a- complete insulation job, walls, attic and under floors. Insulation is cheaper than oil; gas or electricity.

U.S. Fiber Cellulosie Insulation. gives you more R-value than any other insulation. We can 'save you thousands of dollars by having your home properly insulated. Free estimates- are gladly given Don't Wait Until The Summer Rush CALL 647-3931 HENRY COUNTY HOME IMP.

CO. J. OTIS PURDY. Owner 142 Virginia Ave. Phone 647-3931 G' 5 GOOD YEAR SERVICE STORES Stores closed March 1 for inventory All, Goodyear Service Stores will be closed all day on Tuesday, March 1, 1977 for inventory.

Customers needing emergency service on that day should call 632-2182. Stores will reopen Wednesday with a Giant Inventory Clearance STORE: MANAGER: JERRY TEAR. A. 121 E. MAIN ST.

MARTINS VILLE, VA. Page 2-Martinsville Bulletin. Monday, February 28, 1977 NATION TODAY 4 Appalachian Oppose Strip Mine Bill -NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Four governors lachia region have of the Appaexpressed opposition to several measures currently included in a federal strip mining bill before Congress. Blanton, who was in Washington during the week- end Govs.

for the Julian National Carroll of Conference, met Sunday with Kentucky. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia and Mills Godwin of Virginia. four of us agreed that when congressional hearings on the bill resume this week. Gov. Carroll will appear before a House Interior subcommittee which is conducting the hearrings and voice objections to the bill.

as it presently stands." Blanton said. "In other words. he will carry the ball for the four governors of the Appalachia region. Support Systems Cut Off WICHITA, Kan. 1.

(UPD) In January, 19-month-old Janeen House was beaten so severely she went into a coma and could breathe only with the help of a respirator. Janeen, who weighed- about 30 pounds, died Friday night after her mother decided to shut off the machine that kept the comatose and brain-damaged child alive. Officials say they plan to charge Herbert Smith Jr. in the death of his stepdaughter, despite his efforts to keep, her: legally alive. State 'on Defensive' DETROIT (UPI) The government may be put on the defensive as much as the defendants inf the trial of two Filipino nurses accused of patients at the Ann Arbor Veterans Administration Hospital.

The defense is expected to attack tactics used by the FBI to. build the government's case against nurses Filipina Narcisco, 30. and Leonora Perez, 32. The two were indicted last June for. allegedly injecting a powerful muscle relaxant.

Pavulon. into, patients at the VA hospital during the summer of. 1975. The victims suffered breathing failures, some fatal. Jury selection in the case begins Tuesday before U.S.: District Court Judge Philip Pratt.

A series of technical setbacks caused the original indictments issued last June to be reduced from five counts of murder and 10 others of poisoning to two murder counts and four poisonings counts. Arms Theft Problem Cited WASHINGTON (UPI) Criminals use expensive handguns as often as the cheap night specials" and price 'not a significant factor because one fourth of the weapons are stolen, according to a Police Foundation study: Most gun control efforts by Congress and others have. focused on cheap. easily purchased handguns known as Saturday night specials, but the non-profit foundation indicated that this has tended to obscure efforts to prevent firearm thefts. which it called "a significant national problem, "The apparent high, volume of theft suggests that enough firearms are now stolen each year from law abiding citizens to fill most criminal the report added.

The foundation claimed its two- year survey of weapons used in robberies. murders and assaults in 10 cities. provided evidence indicating "the belief that so Saturday night specials are used to commit the great majority. of these felonies is misleading and counterproductive." Military Retirement Rapped WASHINGTON. UPD About one out of every four military retirees starts drawing a lifelong pension while he has almost half his life still before him.

Rep. Les Aspin. D- Wis. said Sunday 28 per cent of militaryretirees are under 40 when they leave the armed forces. The average 37-year old retiree has a life expectancy of 36 years by, the Pentagon's own figures.

That we're pensioning off large numbers of men just halfway through life he said. The military retirement. plan provides a lifetime pensionto anyone-who has spent 20 years in uniform, regardless of age. Spill Touches off Scare CINCINNATI (APT The second spill of carbon tetrachlo-. ride into the Ohio River system in a week has turned off many Cincinnati area residents to tap water to the extent that some people won't bathe in Restaurants, claim diners are substituting coffee and tea for water with meals.

while grocery stores report an increase of sales in soft drinks. Some supermarkets reported a weekend run on bottled water. "I've never seen anything like said Dave Wenger, an IGA store manager' in Ft. Thomas. Ky.

"One man ordered enough water to fill a bathtub He said he refuses to take a bath in tap water. Singer gestures in chat with Rosalynn Carter. (UPI) First Lady Attends Salute to Anderson NEW YORK (UPI) Marian Anderson, who overcame racial bias to become an internationally renowned opera singer. was honored on her 75th birthday. Sunday in a concert at Carnegie Hall attended by First Lady Rosalynn Carter.

Young Audiences, a nonprofit educational performing arts program which tours schools throughout the United States, presented the concert as a tribute to theretired singer, who has worked closely with the Mrs. Carter, in her first official visit outside Washington First Lady, watched the concert from a box- at. Carnegie Hall with Miss Anderson: During the second of the program. Mrs. Carter read a message from, her husband to Miss Anderson.

in which the President noted that both. Houses of Congress last Friday authorized a special Congres- sional gold medal to be struck by the Treasury in her honor. She was the first black to receive the honor. Abraham D. Beame presented the: singer with the Handel Medallion, the city's cultural medal, and a representative of the United Nations presented the one-time: U.N, delegate with a a a U.N.

Peace Medal and read a congratulatory statement from Secretary. General Kurt Waldheim. 1939, Miss Anderson -was blocked from singing in Consti- tution Hall in Washington by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Eleanor Roosevelt resigned her membership in the organi-. zation in protest and Miss Anderson instead sang that year 75,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial at an outdoor concert.

It was also during the' Franklin Roosevelt administra tion that she became the first black to perform at the White House. Miss Anderson made her debut at the Opera in -1955. and retired years. later. She was the first black person to sing a solo there.

She: now: lives with her. husband, Orpheus Fisher, on a farm in Danbury, Conn. W. Va. 'Satan Worshippers' Target of Police Probe, HUNTINGTON.

W. Va: (UPK) Police. are trying to. learn more about a cult known as the "Satan which. -may be responsible for a strange act of violence in West Virginia's largest city.

Police have assigned a fulltime investigator to learn more about the cult, and one official "has promised to break up the organization, A Marshall University coed, -apparently recruited by the 'Satan Worshipers," was found beaten and sexually assaulted: on the campus last Monday night. What appeared at the outset to: be a routine assault case: has mushroomed into a baffling investigation. There were odd cut marks on the 19-year-old coed's body, markings that indicated to. police the girl was more than just 'a rape victim. The cult is directly linked to the attack on AT ATTENTION! ON! 4.

HENRY COUNTY CITIZENS There will be a meeting of Henry County Citizens Vs. PSA Mandatory Connection On Tuesday, March 1st, at FieldaleCollinsville High School at 7:30 P.M.. Come and bring a friend. WALTER. H.

HALL, Chairman the unidentified coed. said Capt. Norman.E. Noble: who heads up the city's investigation bureau. There is a possibility that some federal laws have been violated: he said.

is Noble said the cult has 25 to 30 members and appears to be: comprised mostly of black males who recruit white fema-. les. don't know. exactly what they do. but their initiation is weird.

the veteran lawman, UPI Males can leave the organiza-7 tion without fear of reprisals, he said, but the women must become member's for life. Action is taken against he said. If you're a female and want out, you've got problems." Authorities believe the coed found beaten and sexually abused on the Marshall campus was a member with second thoughts. Noble said, "It's our opinion that she wanted out." Her body was covered "slice marks" on her. body typical of those allegedly used by the so-called.

"Satan. Worshipers. Ironically, she was' found in back on tHe campus Christian Center. We're getting this. from different areas, and I can only say it's a weird organization." Noble said.

"The possibility of drugs is there. Drug usage would be a definite factor." Some members of the cult, a minority, are allegedly Marshall students The group is khown to conduct rituals. but apparently never. in the same place, moving around to avoid suspicion. Mates supposedly adopt synonyms of Satan, 'such as Lucifer.

for nicknames. "We're doing everything in our power to arrest and break up this Noble said. making progress." Cocoa Price Rise Expected WASHINGTON (UPI If you're seeking a substitute for expensive coffee, don't look to cocoa. Agriculture Department com modity specialists today warned consumers to new peaks in cocoa prices during the next few months: SOLID 'DINING ROOM' SPECIAL EASY BUDGET TERMS EXTRA HEAVY SUITE IN Solid MAPLE PINE or OAKYOUR ONLY CHOICE $244 (Free Delivery) EDWARD'S FURNITURE 900 Starling Martinsville.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.