Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

A A A I I I a a a a a a a a A A a Habeas Corpus Welfare Recipients Changes Asked Tell About Programs In Virginia RICHMOND. Major changes In Virginia's methods of handling habeas corpus proceedings were recommended Tuesday by a legislative study group. Habeas corpus, meaning to bring person before court to determine it imprisonment His legally justified, has recently become a problem because of overloaded. court. dockets and U.S.* Supreme Court decisions affecting prisoners', rights.

The Advisory Legislative Council. recommended that prisoners be allowed to challenge future and suspended 5T sentences as well as the current sentence being served. Star.dard forms would be provided for filing habeas corpus petitions and. hearings on the petitions would take place in any court, state or federal, within the jurisdiction. The first recommendation would call for a transfer of many cases from federal courts, which permit habeas corpus petitions on future and suspended sentences, to state courts which, at present, do not allow such petitions.

Statistics reported by the Virginia's Attorney General show that; in 1963 there were 85 habeas corpus petitions pending in his office and in 1966. there were more than 600. Plane Crash Reported, In China Sea HONG KONG (AP) plane crashed into the South China Sea today and three survivors were reported rescued but no, one would say what the plane's nationality. was or who had beenflying it. Officials also said no information was available as to the plane's take-off point or nation.

British spokesmen said two critically injured Nationalist Chinese, were: picked up by a U.S. amphibian plane, from Clark Airbase, the Philippines, and flown to Hong Kong. A third survivor -was reported rescued by a ship. in the crash area about 130 miles, south of Hong Kong. Three British navy ships, British air force plane and six American military planes.

from Clark were reported looking for more survivors. Airline pilots said intercepted radio messages: indicated there had been nine persons aboard the downed plane. T. R.A Thomson, director of Hong Kong's civil aviation department. said.

the plane was first reported to be a U.S. military transport but was later described "as of "unidentified type and unidentified nationality." U.S% consulate. spokesman first said it: was a U.S. on a training flight out of Formosa, then said the consulate knew nothing about it, then reported, "It's not an- American plane." Executive Dies NEW YORK TAP) Richard I. Dale, 64, who rose from a trainee to.

vice. president in charge of public relations for the Woolworth died Tuesday. apparently of a heart attack. Dale, "who joined in New York -1924, served as regional vice presi: dent for the company's east central region at Cleveland for 12 years. BIG SELECTION OF CLEAN Late Model Station Wagons.

At W. Chevrolet: '65 PLYMOUTH FURY: IT STA. WAGON Fully Equipped, 1 Owner, Clean V.8 Automatic Air: Condition, $1895 '64 Volkswagen '1500's Sta As New, Solid Red 4-Speed, Fully Equipped, Clean $1295 '64 Chevelle Station Wagon 4 Door Std. Drive, Radio, Heater WWtires, 1 Owner, Solid White Other Station Wagons To Choose From. 'Niter "TIl Low Rate Financing Ph.

Phi 629-2525 CHEVROLET DMV: 79 BASSETT The Weather LOCAL STATISTICS The City Filtration Plant: reports the $29. hours: a High, 77,: tow 47, precipitation following statistics for the past: 24 WHY THE WEATHER RICHMOND (AP)-A stationary frontal system continues to dominate Virginia's weather picture. The front is expected to drift slowly southeastward todar and will be over southeastern Virginia by tonight. threat of showers and possibly some thundershowers will continue Into: the night, VIRGINIA ZONE FORECASTS: Northern Partly cloudy to night and Thursday. -Low tonight 62 to 66.

High. Thursday: 75 to 80. Variable -winds becoming northeast 10 to 15 per hour. today, Friday fair and warmer. Southern Piedmont Variable cloudiness tonight and Thursday- with.

chance of showers tonight and aver south portion Thursdays Low tonight 63 to 64. Hiah Thursday: 76 to 00. Variable winds becomIns northeast 10 to 15 miles sper hour today. Friday. fair and warmer.

Tidewater Area and Eastern. Share variable cloudiness tonight and Thursday with chance of. showers. Low tonight 65 19.70. High Thursday 74 to 80.

Variable winds becoming northeast 10 to 15 miles per: hour today. Friday, partly cloudy ent warmer: Shenandoah Valley, Upper James River Area and Allegheny Hishlands Partty cloudy tonight and Thursday. Low tonight 60 to 65. High Thursday 74 to 80. Variable winds becoming northeast 5 to 15: miles per hour today.

Friday, fair and warmer. Southwestern Plateau Variable cloudIness with chance of tew showers tonight and Thursday. Low tonight 58. to 64. High Thursday 74 to 00.

Gentle variable. winds: today. Friday, fair and warmer. STATE FORECASTS cloudy north tion, variable. cloudiness south portion tonight and Thursday with chance of show.

ers south portion tonight and in extreme south portion Thursday. Low tonight 65 to -70- southeast. portion and. 60 .10 66 north and west portions. High Thursday 74 to 80.

NORTH CAROLINA Mostly cloudy with occasional showers and scattered thundershowers and no Important chanse In temperatures tonight and Thursday. Low tonight mostly 60s mountains, ranging to lowet to middle -70s near coast, FIVERICHMOND (AP) -The Virginia fiveday forecast for Thursday. Aug. through Monday, Aug. 20: Temperatures for the period will average above normal, with daytime highs in the mid to: upper 80s and night: time lows in the upper 60s.

It will be Friday but turning cooler again by Monday. Rainfall: will average from 4 to one Inch. occurring about Friday: and again late. In the weekend. Collision Damage Set At $1,325 A two-car collision at 4:35 p.m.

Tuesday caused $1,325 damage to a car. driven by Jesse D. Adams of Route 2. Patrolman J. W.

Willis said Adams was driving east on Brown Street when a panel truck by Robert F. Wasiluk and owned by The Martinsville. Bulletin entered the Brown and Street intersection from the opposite direction. Willis said Wasiluk, of 122 Moss Street, was attempting" make a left turn and said he didn't see the Adams car. The panel truck skidded on the wet pavement after Wasiluk tried to stop his vehicle.

The panel truck received $175 damage. No charges were made. complained of rib pains. In a late Monday afternoon- accident at Broad Street and Memorial Boulevard, Alice G. Penn of Route 4 had stopped her car at a traffic: light when it was struck In the rear by a vehicle by Terrell L.

Meeks of Route 4. Patrolman R. A. Reeves said the Meeks car received $300 damage and the Penn car, $70. Meeks, said he was unable to stop on the wet pavement in time to avoid hitting the, other vechicle.

No charges were placed. Books On Sale Books may be purchased and 3:30 fees paid. at Tuesday Mt. Olivet 8:30 a.m.

Elemen- tary School. The United States Steel Corporation and the Bethlehem Steel- Corporation account tor about: 40 per cent of all United States steel output. XEROX PRINTS PHOTOSTATS WHITE LOGAN-GRAY, Inc. 54 W. Main Ph.

632-5531 Urban Development Said Needed HAZARD, Ky. (AP) Over one dozen welfare recipients from nine Kentucky counties and two other states walked into Allais Union Hall here, Tuesday to tell a citizens' board 3 of inquiry what, hunger and poverty. is like in. Appalachia. Sherman, Neace, an unemployed Kentucky coal miner and father of seven children, stood out, perhaps in the morning session.

lengthy speech, Neace accused -the local, state and federal governments of using programs like the "happy pappy" project strictly for political purposes. The is ant effort to provide job. training for ployed fathers in eastern tucky. The resident of near. Hazard, also told the board of and course eight he week attended pre which vocational was administered under.

the Department of Labor and was. by Kentucky: AlL they did lot of film on income taxes and things we couldn't he said. One by one, the others from Interstate Crash Kills McLean Man. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A 21-year-old. Mclean man was fatally injured Tuesday in a fourcar crash on Interstate '95 just south of Richmond.

State Police identified the vitcim as Robert Keithley Faris, a student at East- Carolina College in Greenville, N. C. Faris the driver of a southbound car. police said, which collided with a car that had skidded on the rain-slick highway into the oncoming lane. Two other cars; then -struck the two vehicles.

The accident occurred on a curve 212 miles south of Richmond during a heavy rain. ABINGDON Brenda Comer Kennedy. 22, of Abingdon was! killed Tuesday when -her car crashed off Virginia 689, 12 miles! north of- Abingdon. PRINCE WILLIAM Ani unidentified woman pedestrian was killed Monday when struck by 'a hit-and-run vehicle on Interstate 95 just south of Virginia 619 in Prince William- County. Two Attending Electric Meet Two- Mount Olivet Community 4-H Club members are attending the 17 annual State Electric Congress through Friday at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond." Cathy Carter, 12.

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Carter, and Harold Oakes. 15. son -of Mr.

and Mrs. George Oakes, are attending with the club's leadMore than 100 club members pers, Mr. and Mrs. Oakes, from 85 counties in Virginia are expected at the event. which is sponsored by state power suppliers and the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service.

The State electric project winner will be announced Friday. The winner will be award. ed an all -expense paid -trip -to National Congress in Chicago Nov. 24-Dcc. 1.

Traffic-LightRequest Made A request for a traffic light at the Collinsville Post Office was made Monday by County -Board of Supervisors Chairman Sam S. Gusler of the- Martinsville Dis.trict. A similar request last year Was turned down by the Highway Department after surveys were made. Resident Engineer Claude H. Coffman said another request may be sent -through channels for a survey.

Committee Meets The executive committee of the County. Chamber of Commerce will meet at 12:30 p.m. Thursday at the Hut Restaurant. the three-state poverty belt of and West Virginia also talked before the board to, questions, many of: the welfare. complaining about the red tape they had to go.

through to receive state: assistance, The citizens' panel was made up of seven men from throughFout the United States with jobs varying from economics, civil rights to education, medicine and law. -The -hearing was sponsored by the Crusade Against Poverty, a Washington, D. organization sponsored by the -United Auto Workers. panel also will hold several other regional hearings. searching for the extent of poverty and hunger in the United States.

Authority Suit Costs Report Made County Public Service Authority condemnation suits are. costing $20. each plus recording fee, Authority Inspector and Secretary Bob IV. Grant told members Monday night. Grant submitted a bill, for $435 covering suits instituted up to a year ago.

The -Authority had argued the suits are the same as highway condemnation actions, which cost $5 plus recording fee. Grant said the Attorney General's office ruled on the matBills also were presented for $150 for a cabinet and map-hold-. er and for $31.92 for advertising bids. Grant also told the Authority Prillaman and Pace Inc. tentatively has been awarded a 000 contract for Project 67-3 of the Collinsville sewerage system.

Grant said a church requested a delay in putting in a connection but was told it was in 67-3 area, which won't be served for. a year. Frank Stultz of 119 Crestwood Road has asked J. M. Turner Salem, to pay for damages allegedly" caused by blasting the firm did in constructing the sewage treatment plant, Grant announced.

Grant also said contractors testing soil or installing sewer lines have caused numerous disruptions in water service of Daniel Creek Water Co. The company's owner, David Davis, advised the Authority it would be held responsible for future interruptions. Grant. said he knows -of -no case when a disruption a's caused after the water company had submitted exact locations of its. lines.

Contractors are being advised to be especially cautious of water lines. Pool Filled 0 With Suds. City police early this morning said a detergent had been dumped into the Patrick Henry Mall decorative pool: Patrolmen J. W. Creasy and O.

J. Martin said the pool was full of suds, In other. reports, Howard White of W. M. Bassett Furniture on Rives Road told -police today- he found of the a hole.

in a window. plant's glue room. Frank Fulton. of 902 Jefferson Circle said a brown 8 mm. camera worth $20 was taken from his car Monday while -the vehicle was parked, behind Starling Avenue Baptist Church.

Mrs. J. Commander of 707. Third Street said a $39.95, 14- transistor radio was taken from her home; Dect. 0.

Stowe said there was no sign of forcible entry. Speaker Set The Rev. Joseph Lee Nelson associate professor of Religion at Lynchburg College, will speak during the 11.a.m. worship service Sunday at Broad Street Christian Church. CORRECTION EGGS GRADE A SMALL DOZ.

FOR 89 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRANKS FOOD FAIR WASHINGTON (AP) As al Negro congressman urged a $30 attack on slums, the mayor of Newark told a presidential panel al crash program big-city. improvement projects. is needed to stave, off further uprisings. Rep. John Conyers Jr.

Negro Democrat from Detroit, drew loud applause from 1,000 delegates -to the' AFL-CIO American Federation of Teachers 3: convention -when the said urban, slumsand not South -Vietnam should be America's prime concern. warned that Negroes arel angry enough to attempt to destroy America. The nation's: resources should be directed to solving the plight of. slum-dwellers than trying" to bring democracy that a nation miles -away wouldn't understand the word if we gave, it tof them in Vietnamese," Newark Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio: meanwhile told the President's Commission on, Civil Disorders, currently probing this summer's rash of riots, that a staggering effort -yes, a Marshall Plan" is needed in A Virginias doctor who provides medical care and training in Afghanistan will tell of his experiences and show.

color slides at a meeting tonight: in Bassett. He is Dr. John R. Hankins, who works with the CAREMEDICO program in Kabul, capitals of. Afghanistan.

He will speak at 7:30 p.m. at Pocahontas Bassett Baptist Church: Dr. Hankins has been with CARE-MEDICO in Kabul the past, three years and is now on home leave, visiting relatives here and in other parts. of Prior to his Kabul assignment, "he spent five years in Iran, working. through the Iran Foundations In he is with the 'Avicenna Hospital, where he not only administers surgical treatment, but instructs local doctors as well.

He is. a member of a team of three doctors, six and one technician. Dr. Hankins' specialty is thoracic surgery. He received his undergraduate degree at the University of Virginia and his medical degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

His internship and residency in surgery were served Virginia Doctor Will Speak On Afghanistan Experiences 1 at the University of Maryland Hospital in Baltimore. He is member of the American Board of Surgery and, the Board of Thoracic Surgery. father, Jabez P. Hankins, was a. native of Callands and practiced for some: time in Pittsylvania County.

He moved to Orange, where the younger Dr. Hankins was born and reared. The public is invited to Dr. Hankins' talk tonight. D.

M. PEMBERTON: County Has New 4-H Club Worker Dwight M. Pemberton' has joined the Henry County Extension Agent's staff as a worker in 4-H Club activities. He will join Harry Little, who formerly was the only 4-H Club worker. on the 'staff.

Pemberton formerly held similar position in Prince. William County. native of Spotsylvania County, he has been. in Extension work, for three years. He attended Ferrum Junior College and has a B.

S. degree in animal science from Virginia Tech. He and "his wife, the former Miss Sandra Cowan of Danville, live at 709 Orchard Street. Firm Has Low Bid Prillaman and Pace. Inc.

of Martinsville has submitted a low. bid of. $486,880.42 for construction- of a sewerage- -system tor serve the Fairlawn area Pulaski County. Construction is expected to begin in .60 days. Five bids were submitted.

The second lowest was for $568.300. submitted by a Bristol, firm. housing, education, crime troll and related fields. echoed the earlier call by civil rights leaders, for an all out urban "aid Leffort patterned after the post World War II Marshall Plan that, helped rebuild Europe. The commander of federal troops sent into: the Detroit rioting drew sharp fire meanwhile when he told a House Armed Services subcommittee that National Guardsmen there were "inexperienced, nervous, trig.

ger-happy soldiers. The assessment by Lt. 5 Gen. John L. Throckmorton came after subcommittee members critihim issuing an order that "no soldier could fire without A specific authorization of company commanders.

Throckmorton's deputy, Maj. Gen. Charles P. Stone, told the panel. that his personal survey of 500 Guardsmen on duty in Detroit, indicated 90 cent disobeyed orders to keep their weapons unloaded.

NEW AERIAL WEAPON is the AIM-4D Falcon, an frared-guided missile especially designed -for combat with enemy fighter planes, currently undergoing flight testing with the U.S. Air Force's F-4 Phantom, seen in the background. Shown with the missiles: here are Air Force test pilots Capt. Francis Belinne, left, and Maj. Donald M.

Hobart: Children Of Dancer Are Shot To Death J. BEDFORD, Ind. (AP) -Three small children of a divorced go-go dancer were found shot to death early today in a brushy field northeast of Heltonville in the southern Indiana limestone quarrying region. UrbanLeaguel, Faces Many Proposals PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -Dozens of action proposals, some Black Power oriented and many going far -beyond present programs, face the National Urban League as it winds up its fourday annual conference.

A delegate assembly, the league's highest policy making body, is scheduled to spend today, dations sifting submitted through by recommen- regional workshops Tuesday, the first day Black Power became an open issue among the estimated 1,400 delegates. Concern about riots was very much in. evidence as the Mid-5 east region recommended as a major concern "the positive use of conflict, how we can best- use it." But the main emphasis from vocal delegates was community organizations, how Negro communities can develop what one delegate called "the power to get things done." This change in. emphasis from break up Negro slums -through integration -to- making powerful Negro communities out them was defined by many delegates, as Black Power, and their voices tended to dominate the workshop Tuesday." Obituaries MICHAEL ENGLISH SALEM Michael N. English, 52; of Amsterdam died Monday in a local hospital.

He was the brother of Mrs. Katie Rhodes of Martinsville. Mr. English was a mechanic for Fincastle. Oldsmobile Sales.

'He also is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hazel Shanks English: one daughter, Miss Donna L. English of the home; three other sisters, Mrs. B. B.

Steffey of Baltimore, Mrs. Roy. and Mrs. Betty and one brother, Robert English of Buchanan. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m.

Thursday at Rader Funeral Home. at Trouts Ville." Burial will be. in Mount Union Cemetery. Plane Seized In Algeria cent. 7.

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ALGIERS (AP) Algerian authorities have seized a U.S. licensed -plane and charged the three Swiss: crewmen with photographing "strategic. in, southern Algeria, the government controlled newspaper El reported today. The twin-angine plane was. based in Niger, the report said, but its ownership was not given.

Its description as licensed indicated it was a civilian plarie. Cost of food purchased for. use at home has increased 11.7 per cent, since the 1957-59 base period established for comparison purposes, while restaurant food costs have risen 27.4 cent. Woman Admitted: To Hospital Mabel: Shilling of 304. Starling Avenue was admitted to General Hospital this morning for treatment of cuts and bruises after allegedly being severely beaten.

City police charged Austin Scott, 37, also of 304 Starling Avenue with felonious assault. The Shilling woman a brought to the hospital about 1 a.m. The police also listed, a High Point, N.C., address for Scott. Prosecutor Robert Colker: of Lawrence County said the vicI tims' father, John Linn, 25, Seymour, led state police to the bodies and would face. charge of murder.

The dead were Jerry Dale Linn, 5, and his sisters Debra, 4, and Kathy, 2. State police said Linn a former mental patient.Deputy "Coroner Dr. Donald Kerr of Bedford said a preliminary investigation indicated each of the children had been shot once in the head but he ordered an examination by a pathologist. The prosecutor said the youngsters apparently. were killed in the field, judging by "blood and spent cartridges found there." added that police were study.

ing a rifle but he did not know where it was found. The mother. a dancer in the Red Rooster Club in Jeffersonville, was informed of the tragedy and went immediately to Seymour, where. the investigation centered at an Indiana -State--Police Heltonville 30 miles west of Seymour. A state police spokesman said -troopers first believed it was a hoax when Linn arrived at the Seymour post Tuesday night.

and reported he had shot his three children. They. investigated, however. and found the bodies crumpled in a small area. Mobile Classroom Damaged Here tractor- trailer- towing- a mobile classroom overturned yesterday at 1:15 on Route 58W: at the Cloverleaf intersection causing $1.700 damage.

Investigating State Trooper F. I. Woodson said. there were no injuries, but the driver, True. W.

Slocum, 29, was charged with reckless driving. Woodson said Slocum -was headed south on 220 and missed the turnoff to 58W. When -he came back, he made a right turn off 220 and lost control in the curve under the bridge on 58. Slocum, a' Tulsa, native; was pulling the classroom from Southill. to.

Louisville, Ky. Damage to the classroom was $1,000. The truck was hit for a $700 loss. Women's Unit Sets Meeting Group No. 1 of the Christian 'Womens' Fellowship Street Christian Church will meet at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday at the home of Mrs. Maizie Mitchell at. 1300 Carver Court in Wray Park. Mrs. Lucy Spencer is viceleader and Mrs.

host-. ess. A general meeting of all groups, leaders, officers, directors and members of The CWF will meet at -4 p.m. Sunday at the Mrs. B.

W. Green is president. and Mrs. Beulah secretary. Mud Hampers Search In Florida TRENTON.

Fla. (AP) Smelly sinkhole, water hampered mud-smeared rescue workers today as they probed a collapsed underground cavern in search of a farm youth missing since Saturday when lie went for a horseback ride in the north Florida piney The hunt for 20-year-old Cecil Davis was stymied for hours early today by rising waters in the bottom of the hole. A large pump was ordered to augment one. that was showing almost no results. In addition, a small generator powering a single light broke down.

It took almost two hours to get- the- inadequate light glowing again. There-is-little. chance that the. boy is still alive if he is in- the hole, Gilchrist County Sheriff Charles R. Parrish- said.

As he stood Tuesday night at the edge of the yawning sinkhole- caused by the collapse of. a limestone cavern's roof- the sheriff said: "I hope the boy's someplace else." The Florida -National Guard again volunteered- a -helicopter for use in an aerial search of vast expanses of farmland -and -wooded with more sinkholes -northwest of Trenton. Secondary Road Budget Approved secondary, road budget of. $961.119 was approved Monday by the County Board of Supervisors. The budget.

represents. a 000 increase over last year's secondary road program. The big. gest increase came in incidental construction which was budgeted at $305,000, a $41,000 increase. Funds for ordinary- maintenance were estimated at 000, $54,000 less than last year.

Also. $60,000 was budgeted for administration. The budget includes $50.000 as the County's share in construction of an industrial access road connecting Route: 220 with Rives The city. also has budgeted $50,000 as its share in. the program.

The sum represents half the County's total cost toward the project. The remainder will be budgeted next year. MONEY TO LOAN 1st and 2nd Mortgages Home Improvements Bill Consolidation Medical Expenses Tuition Pr Vacation, HOME FUND INC. Axton Home Improvement Bldg. 64, INTEREST Route, 220 North For an Appointment at Villo Heights PHONE: 638-2777 MARTINSVILLE, VA.

7. Selected Stock Quotations OPEN NOON American T. American Tobacco Bethlehem Steel Comsat DuPont Eltra Corp. General Motors 83 Olin 74 74 Pa. RA 6514 Republic Steel Reynolds Metals 541 533 Reynolds Tobaco: 397 3912 Southern Railway.

5214 S. 0. of New Jersey 63 631 Texaco 73 725 Union Pacific 4370 4312 U. S. Steel 475.

475 Varian Assoc. 337 Westinghouse 661 Local Stocks Bid Asked American Furniture 77 Bassett Furniture 12 Noon. Average 903.26 off :4.22 ABBOTT, PROCTOR PAINE Member New "York and American Stock Exchange 10 E. Church Street PHONE 638-8741 Wheat and -Co. 5-WALNUT STREET Members New York Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange Phone 632-2105 ANOTHER Tasty Special From RosEs Lunch Box 11 a.m.

Til 2 p.m. Special THURSDAY ONLY! SPAGHETTI with meat sauce. Served with Two Vegetables, Hot Buttered Rolls, Coffee or Tea Roses Low Price 87c At -Roses -In The Patrick Henry Mall Anytime Is A Good Time To RosEs EAT A.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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